ace warm marriage

Chapter 1191 Troop Incoming Call

Chapter 1191 Troop Incoming Call ([-])

Si Muyuan only considers her own advantages and disadvantages when doing things. No matter whether she did it or not, as long as it is not good for her, she will not admit it to death.

But Sheng Fenghua is different, she does things frankly, one is one, the other is two, she never falsifies.

"Whoever admits it is a fool." Si Muyuan said directly without thinking.

Old Master Si knew that Si Muyuan would answer like this, and he couldn't help being disappointed after hearing it.This is the difference, that's why he likes Sheng Fenghua more and more.

"She admitted it." Si Muyuan was taken aback by Mr. Si's words, and it took him a while to react.Sheng Fenghua actually admitted it, why?
But on second thought, she felt something was wrong.Now that she admitted it, why didn't she see a trace of anger on Mr. Si's face.Could it be that he really has a grandson-in-law now and doesn't want a daughter?
Could it be that her daughter is really not as important as a granddaughter-in-law in the eyes of Mr. Si?He just watched her being bullied by Sheng Fenghua?
Si Muyuan's mind was a little messed up, she looked up at Mr. Si, and said, "Dad, since Sheng Fenghua has admitted it, shouldn't it be you who decides for me?"

"What do you want?" Old Master Si looked at Si Muyuan with a displeased expression on his face.Sheng Fenghua has good intentions. She is taking care of Si Muyuan's body. Could it be that he still blames Sheng Fenghua?

If so, isn't he a person who doesn't know right from wrong?

"Dad, don't you? You know that Sheng Fenghua is bullying me, so you won't just sit idly by?" Si Muyuan looked at Mr. Si in shock, feeling cold in her heart.

Does she count? She only sees the newcomers laughing, but not the old ones crying.How long has it been since her daughter has completely lost her status in the eyes of Mr. Si?

"Did she bully you? Then tell me, why did she bully you?" Mr. Si looked at Si Mumuyuan and asked in a cold voice.She humiliated Sheng Fenghua in front of everyone, not only losing Sheng Fenghua's face, but also the Si family's face.

But Si Muyuan has not realized this mistake until now, and let him make the decision for her.

"Me?" Si Muyuan was at a loss for words, she didn't dare to tell Mr. Si that she had humiliated Sheng Fenghua, otherwise let alone make the decision for her, it would be better not to scold her.

"Why don't you say it? Didn't you say that I will make the decision for you?" Old Master Si's voice became a little colder, and he was really disappointed with Si Muyuan.

It's also his fault, because Si Muyuan is a girl and the youngest, and she has no mother since she was a child, so she spoiled her a bit too much, resulting in her current personality, doing things only according to her own liking, without using any brains .

"Me?" Si Muyuan felt guilty.Seeing Si Muyuan like this, Mr. Si became more and more disappointed, and then said lightly: "You go back, after the antidote Fenghua is prepared, I will have someone send it to you."

"Dad!" Si Muyuan looked unwilling. She came back to complain.But what is this now?Not only did he fail to sue, but he was ordered to evict the guest by Mr. Si.

"Go back? Live well with Zhiyun, don't think about things all day long." Mr. Si made a point, then ignored Si Muyuan and went back to the study.

Seeing that Mr. Si ignored her, Si Muyuan was so angry that she knew that her visit today was for nothing, so she left angrily.

Sheng Fenghua hung up the phone and went directly to Ning's house.It turned out that when we were in the mall, the second wife of the Ning family saw Sheng Fenghua, so she mentioned something to Mrs. Ning.

(End of this chapter)

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