ace warm marriage

Chapter 1192 Troop Incoming Call

Chapter 1192 Troop Incoming Call ([-])

As soon as Mrs. Ning heard that Sheng Fenghua was in City B, she immediately called and asked her to go home for dinner.Anyway, Sheng Fenghua is also the granddaughter of the Ning family. She used to do it, but now she is close.

Now that I'm back, there's no reason not to go home for dinner.Moreover, since the last incident, Sheng Fenghua has never returned to Ning's house.This made Mrs. Ning a little worried, worried that Sheng Fenghua would alienate the Ning family.

She didn't want to have a good granddaughter, just gone.So, I plan to let her go home and explain to her what happened last time.

If no one saw him, Sheng Fenghua naturally didn't have to go.But by coincidence, while shopping in the mall, I ran into Ning Ruiyu's mother, the second wife of the Ning family, and her second aunt.In this way, even if Mrs. Ning didn't call, she would have to go back.

Although she felt a little uncomfortable about what the Ning family did before.But no matter what, they are her relatives.Moreover, before, when she was still a village girl, they reached out to her and accepted her.

With this kindness alone, it is impossible for her to draw a clear line with the Ning family.

When they arrived at the Ning family, not only the two elders of the Ning family were there, but also the two sons of the Ning family, their wives, and the grandchildren Ning Ruize and Ning Ruiyu were also there.

Seeing so many people in the family waiting for him, Sheng Fenghua was slightly taken aback before greeting everyone.

"Grandpa, grandma, uncle, uncle, aunt, aunt, brother, brother, hello!"

"Fenghua, come, sit beside grandma." Mrs. Ning waved to Sheng Fenghua and asked her to sit beside her.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at everyone, then walked to Mrs. Ning and sat down.

"Fenghua, when did you come back?" Madam Ning asked as soon as Sheng Fenghua sat down.

"The night before yesterday." Sheng Fenghua replied with a smile, and then said: "I came back in a hurry this time."

"So you can't stay here for a few days?"

"Yes, Grandma, I'm leaving in two days."

"Well, then when will you come back?" Mrs. Ning asked again, making Sheng Fenghua a little embarrassed, and said: "Grandma, I don't know much about this. You also know that I am a soldier , You have to obey the arrangement of the organization. Once you have a task or something, you can’t control the vacation or something.”

"Grandma understands, when you are on vacation next time, tell us in advance."


After asking a few words, Mrs. Ning didn't ask any more.But Mr. Ning, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

He looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Girl Fenghua, I want you to come back this time. First, I want to explain to you what happened last time, and second, I want you to formally meet with your family."

"Grandpa, you don't need to explain what happened last time, I can understand it." Sheng Fenghua said lightly, the last time has passed, and she doesn't want to mention it again.

"I know you are a good boy, so I hope you don't get angry with us. We did this not because we don't believe you, but to stop Youyou's mouth. It's also for the sake of the future, in case someone questions you in the future We can also produce evidence when it comes to their identity.”

"Grandpa, you really don't need to explain, I understand." Sheng Fenghua smiled, and didn't take Mr. Ning's explanation to heart.

She knew what was going on.So it doesn't matter if it's explained or not.

(End of this chapter)

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