ace warm marriage

Chapter 1202 Stone Town

Chapter 1202 Stone Town ([-])

But the person who took them to visit the quarry before told them that those quarry workers usually leave after working for two or three years, because the dust from mining stones is too large, and it is not good for the health after a long time.

Many people will get tuberculosis from inhaling too much dust, so under normal circumstances, those people will quit after working for two or three years.

Of course, there are also some who are unwilling to leave because their families are poor and they want to earn more money.

Sheng Fenghua looked at the information of those who died. They all worked in the quarry for more than four years.For two or three years, nothing at all.

Sheng Fenghua thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't figure it out, so he had to give up for the time being, put down the materials, and then planned to take a rest.

She is considering whether to talk to the people in the armed forces department, take some time to check the health of those quarry workers, especially those who have worked for a long time, to see if there is any problem with their health?

Sheng Fenghua closed his eyes while thinking.Her mission this time is to find out the reasons for those people's deaths.

Especially for the unknown virus mentioned above, it is necessary to confirm whether it will be contagious and what the source of the virus is.

Sheng Fenghua took a nap for half an hour before opening his eyes.She went out of the room, found the person in charge of the Armed Forces Department, and asked them to contact the hospital in the town. She was going to check on those who died, or the workers in the quarry. How many people usually go to the hospital to see a doctor? , What kind of diseases do you see?

The people from the Armed Forces Department also cooperated, and quickly helped her contact the hospital, and sent someone to accompany Sheng Fenghua to the hospital in person.

When they arrived at the hospital, the armed forces found the director and introduced Sheng Fenghua to him.

"President Huang, this is Comrade Sheng, the person in charge sent by the city to investigate the unexplained deaths of those quarry workers."

"Hello, Dean Huang, I'm Sheng Fenghua!" Sheng Fenghua reported his name, but Dean Huang was shocked, looking at Sheng Fenghua and asked excitedly: "You are the one who never went to medical school. But Sheng Fenghua with superb medical skills?"

Sheng Fenghua was taken aback by Dean Huang's words.How does Dean Huang know that she has never been to medical school, and also knows that she has excellent medical skills?Could it be that someone talked about himself in front of him?
"Dean Huang, you are absurd. I dare not pretend to be a superb medical skill. I just try my best to cure every patient."

"Doctor Sheng, you are too humble. You have long been a role model for all doctors in City A, and everyone admires you. Especially since you quit your job at Yang's Hospital and started a pharmaceutical company by yourself, everyone is even more I can't help but admire."

Sheng Fenghua smiled, then changed the subject, and said, "President Huang, don't praise me any more, I'll be ashamed if you praise me any more. I'm here today to check the patient files of the hospital , I don’t know if your hospital is convenient.”

"No problem, I don't know when Dr. Sheng needs it, so I can ask someone to sort it out."

"Just look at the last year." Sheng Fenghua thought for a while and said.Those people died in the last three months, so one year's data should be enough.

"Okay, I'll let someone take you to the archives."

"Thank you!" Sheng Fenghua thanked Dean Huang, and sent the comrades from the Armed Forces Department back. Then he followed the person appointed by Dean Huang to the file room to check the patient's medical records.

Although there is only one year's data, it is still quite a lot.Fortunately, the hospital kept those materials in the file, and deliberately separated the materials of the quarrying work.

In this way, it was convenient for Sheng Fenghua to search.

(End of this chapter)

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