ace warm marriage

Chapter 1203 Stone Town

Chapter 1203 Stone Town ([-])

Sheng Fenghua sat like this for several hours.It wasn't until Dean Huang came over to invite her to dinner in person that he realized that it was already off-duty time.

Glancing at the few medical records left on the table, Sheng Fenghua raised his head and smiled at Dean Huang, and said, "Dean Huang, I still have some unfinished books here, you go to eat first."

"Doctor Sheng, work is more important than your health. It's better to go to eat first, and it's not too late to see after dinner." President Huang walked in while talking.

He glanced at the several medical records on the table, started to put them away, and said, "Doctor Sheng, don't read them, let's eat first."

"Dean Huang, there are only a few books left, let me read them. After you finish eating, I will just finish reading the medical records, so I won't waste your time."

"Dr. Sheng, I see what you said. It's the same when I look at the medical records after dinner. There are people working overtime in the hospital at night."

While Dean Huang was persuading her, the person from the Armed Forces Department who sent her here before came over and asked with a smile, "Dean Huang, you are here too."

"Why are you here?" Dean Huang asked the person in the Armed Forces Department with a smile.

"Come and ask Dr. Sheng to go back for dinner." The visitor smiled and replied.

"You came just in time. I was just trying to persuade Dr. Sheng to go to dinner. But she was fine, she didn't want to go anyway, and said she would read these medical records before talking."

"Help me persuade her. This job is important. But the body is more important, isn't it?"

The people in the armed forces glanced at the several medical records on Sheng Fenghua's desk, and immediately understood why she insisted on reading them all.

But, as Dean Huang said, work is more important than health.At noon, they ate earlier, they were already hungry, not to mention Sheng Fenghua.

Therefore, he still disagrees with the fact that she has to work on an empty stomach.So, he looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Comrade Sheng, let's eat first. After dinner, we will check the medical records with you. Do you think it's okay?"

Sheng Fenghua looked up at the other party, smiled, and said, "It's okay, I'll finish reading these medical records soon. You go back and tell the people in the department to leave me a meal."

"Comrade Sheng, why are you so stubborn?" The people in the Armed Forces Department looked helplessly at Dean Huang and said, "Why don't we wait here?"

"That's fine, let's wait a little longer." Dean Huang saw that it was impossible for Sheng Fenghua to listen to them going to eat first, so he had to compromise and wait with the people from the Armed Forces Department.

Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua was very fast, and he read the medical records in ten minutes.After reading the medical records, she tidied up the table, wrote down all the things that should be recorded, and put the medical records back on the cabinet. Then she said to the comrades of the Armed Forces Department and Dean Huang who were waiting outside: "Sorry, let me You have been waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, it's okay, we didn't wait long." Dean Huang waved his hand, then watched Sheng Fenghua pack up, and then said: "I booked a place in the town, and we will go have a meal together."

Sheng Fenghua originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought that he happened to have some questions and wanted to ask Dean Huang, he nodded and agreed.

As for the comrade from the Armed Forces Department, naturally they were also together.

The three went to the Zuixian Building in the town and asked for a private room.After sitting down, while waiting for the food to be served, Sheng Fenghua chatted with Dean Huang.

As a doctor, chatting is naturally also related to the patient's condition.The comrades from the Armed Forces Department couldn't get in the conversation, so they didn't care. They drank tea while listening to the two talking.

(End of this chapter)

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