ace warm marriage

Chapter 1204 Stone Town

Chapter 1204 Stone Town ([-])

While chatting, the two talked about the dead workers and their physical conditions before they were alive.

Before, when Sheng Fenghua looked at the medical records, most of the workers looked at them for colds and colds, and there was nothing serious about them.Even, I have never seen a disease like tuberculosis.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the medical level in the small town cannot keep up, and tuberculosis cannot be seen at all.However, to Sheng Fenghua's surprise, tuberculosis is often accompanied by cough, but judging from the records of taking medicine at work, few people take medicine for cough.

Hearing Sheng Fenghua talking about the dead workers, the comrades in the Armed Forces immediately pricked up their ears.Before, the higher-ups also sent people to investigate the situation, but no one went to trace whether these people were sick before.

They just asked the workers who worked with those jobs and asked them about their usual situation.But speaking of it, it's also strange that those workers don't usually get sick, and occasionally they get better quickly when they catch a cold.

Sheng Fenghua raised his doubts, but Dean Huang laughed after hearing this, and said, "Doctor Sheng, you don't know. It's not that those people can't cough, it's just that they never buy medicine, but I would go to the mountains to pick a kind of herbal medicine. That kind of herbal medicine is very effective in curing cough, no matter how severe the cough is, drinking it for a day or two will surely cure it."

"Herbal medicine? What kind of herbal medicine is so miraculous?" Sheng Fenghua couldn't help being curious. She knew a lot of herbal medicines that could cure coughs, but she didn't know if the herbal medicine Dean Huang mentioned was something she knew.

"We call it Cough Cough Grass here. This kind of herb is only available here. After picking it, soak it in wine and drink it in an hour. It is very effective in cough relief."

"Oh, I don't know where this herb is, but I want to see it." Sheng Fenghua was a little curious, there is such a herb?
After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, the Armed Forces Department, who had been silent all this time, agreed to speak, and said, "I know where this herb is available, and I will take you there tomorrow."


When Dean Huang heard that the comrades from the Armed Forces Department would accompany Sheng Fenghua to find herbs, he didn't say much.Their hospital didn't have that kind of herbal medicine, so they couldn't help Sheng Fenghua.

Just as they finished talking, the waiter just came to serve the food.Sheng Fenghua didn't say anything more, and moved their chopsticks with Dean Huang.

Although I went to a restaurant in a small town, the taste was pretty good.In addition, Sheng Fenghua was also hungry, so he ate a lot.

After dinner, the sky had already darkened, Sheng Fenghua said goodbye to Dean Huang, and went back to the Armed Forces Department with his comrades.

However, as soon as they returned to the place where they lived, they felt an unusual atmosphere, and the meeting room was lit with lights.

Sheng Fenghua asked someone to ask, and when he learned that another person had died, his expression changed, and he quickly left for the conference room.

In the conference room, the person in charge of the Armed Forces Department, Qin Feng, and some unknown men were talking about something.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua push the door in, everyone's eyes fell on her.

"This is Comrade Sheng, the person in charge sent to investigate the cause of the death of the workers." Lao Cai, the head of the Armed Forces Department, introduced Sheng Fenghua to several other men.

"These are the people in charge of the town. Secretary Chen, Mayor Liu, and Deputy Mayor Wang."

"Hello, Comrade Sheng!" Several people glanced at Sheng Fenghua and greeted him.

"Hello leaders!"

After saying hello, Sheng Fenghua looked at Lao Cai and asked, "I heard that someone died again. Where is that person's body now?"

(End of this chapter)

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