ace warm marriage

Chapter 1205 Stone Town

Chapter 1205 Stone Town ([-])

"At the police station!"

"Take me there. I'm going to see the corpse." After Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, he ignored the town leaders present and left the meeting room first.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua leave just like that, several town leaders present looked at each other, unable to recover for a long time.I thought to myself, how come the people who came this time are different from those who came before, and they didn't play cards according to the rules.

Moreover, they were really surprised that she, a woman, wanted to go to see the corpse.

However, no matter what the town leaders thought, Sheng Fenghua had already gotten into the car and was about to go to the police station to see the corpse.

The people from the armed forces personally drove Sheng Fenghua and took her to the police station.Qin Feng also accompanied Sheng Fenghua and went to the police station together.

The police station is not far from the Armed Forces Department, and it takes only one or two minutes to arrive.When we arrived, the comrades at the police station hadn't rested yet.

They were annoyed that one more person had died and no cause could be found.Counting, in the past few months, sixty people have died in this town.But the strange thing is that they didn't even find any clues.

It's not that they haven't investigated those quarries.But no matter how they searched, they found nothing.

When Sheng Fenghua arrived, the body hadn't been put away, it was still placed in the house, and several policemen were making records.

The policeman was a little surprised when he saw a person from the Armed Forces Department bring a woman in, and asked, "Lao Cai, why are you here?"

"This is Comrade Sheng, someone sent from above. She wants to know about the situation, so please talk to her." Lao Cai said to the policeman.

"Okay!" The policeman nodded and told the basic situation of the deceased.I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the deceased happened to be a worker in the quarry that Sheng Fenghua visited at noon today.

During the day, he was fine.But after dinner, he died suddenly.

If it wasn't for his co-workers who asked him to borrow things and reported his death to the police, it is estimated that no one would have found out that he was dead.Because it was late after dinner, the deceased went back to sleep.

But who would know that he would never wake up after falling asleep.

While listening to the basic situation of the deceased being introduced by the police, Sheng Fenghua opened the medicine box he carried with him and took out the silver needle inside.

Before coming here, she deliberately went back to the room to bring the medicine box, and took some medicine from the space.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua's movements, the policeman and Lao Cai looked at her in puzzlement at the same time.Lao Cai was familiar with Sheng Fenghua, and asked, "Comrade Sheng, what are you doing with this needle?"

"You'll know in a while." Sheng Fenghua said while piercing the silver needle into the body of the deceased.As she pierced the silver needles one by one, the dead man, who didn't see any problem at first, suddenly appeared purple-black.

"What's the situation?" The policeman and Lao Cai looked at each other, looked at the deceased in surprise, and then at Sheng Fenghua.

They never imagined that the silver needles could change the color of the body of the deceased.

Sheng Fenghua didn't have time to explain the doubts to the two of them for the time being, but took a new silver needle and pierced towards the blackened and purpled places.

As she moved, spots of blood began to emerge from the pierced area.Sheng Fenghua watched, took out the small bottle that he had prepared earlier, and collected the little blood spots one by one.

After she finished cleaning up the blood spots, she took out the silver needles one by one.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua was done, Lao Cai asked again: "Comrade Sheng, who are you?"

"Blood test!" Sheng Fenghua replied flatly, and put the things into the medicine box.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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