ace warm marriage

Chapter 1206 Cough Herbs

Chapter 1206 Cough Herbs ([-])

After she had put her things away, she looked up at the policeman and asked, "Have you asked his fellow workers? Did he behave unusually before the accident?"

"I have asked, and there is no abnormal behavior. Like everyone else, he goes to work, eats, and then sleeps." As soon as the accident happened, they asked the deceased's co-workers, but nothing was gained.

Moreover, not only the current deceased asked those questions, but even the previous deceased asked the same questions, but they got nothing.The workers said that everything was normal.

"Everything is normal?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, everything is normal.Judging from the physical reaction of the deceased, he should have been poisoned.

As for what kind of poison it was, she still needs to study it.

If the deceased was poisoned, then he must have been exposed to some poisonous substance.That's why Sheng Fenghua felt that there was something wrong with the answers of his fellow workers.

If the deceased is really like everyone else, go to work, eat and sleep.So, where did the poison in his body come from?
It seemed that she had to go to the quarry herself.

"Yes, everything is fine."

"Well, you can send someone to accompany me to the quarry in a while, and I want to see the deceased's room in person." Sheng Fenghua put forward his idea, and the policeman at the side hesitated before saying: "I want to see the dead man's room." Ask our boss first."

Sheng Fenghua frowned, looked at Lao Cai and said, "Judging from the deceased's physical performance just now, he should have been poisoned."

"What? Poisoned?" Lao Cai was taken aback.The policeman next to him was also surprised. He never thought that the deceased was poisoned.

But after thinking about it, he felt wrong again.Previously, the forensic doctors of the deceased had also identified them, but they did not say that they were poisoned.

But now, Sheng Fenghua said that the other party was poisoned, should they believe it?
Sheng Fenghua glanced at the policeman, how could he not know what he was thinking, so he explained, and said, "Did you see the purple and black patches on the deceased's body? This is the manifestation of poisoning."

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, the policeman set his sights on the deceased.When he saw the purple-black color that hadn't dissipated since Sheng Fenghua got the silver needle, his eyes flickered, and he said, "I'll go to the director."

"I'll go with you." Lao Cai was afraid that the director would not agree, so he followed the police and left the room.

Soon, only Sheng Fenghua and Qin Feng, who had been silent all this time, were left in the room.Qin Feng saw that he and Sheng Fenghua were the only two people in the room, and asked, "Fenghua, are you sure the deceased died of poisoning?"

"At least 80.00% sure." Sheng Fenghua glanced at Qin Feng, then stopped his gaze on the deceased.

After watching, she paused again, then took out the silver needles and pierced the dead man's throat and stomach respectively.

After she pulled out the silver needle, she glanced at the completely changed color of the silver needle, and said to Qin Feng: "Did you see that the silver needle has turned black."

If at the beginning, Qin Feng was still dubious, then at this moment he completely believed in Sheng Fenghua's words.The deceased was indeed poisoned.

But, why couldn't the previous forensic doctor see it?
Qin Feng was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any further questions.He was still convinced of Sheng Fenghua's medical skills.

Sheng Fenghua put away the silver needle and remained silent without speaking.It wasn't until the policeman and Lao Cai who went to look for the director came back that he looked up at the two of them.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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