ace warm marriage

Chapter 1207 Cough Herbs

Chapter 1207 Cough Herbs ([-])

"How is it?" Sheng Fenghua asked lightly.

The policeman took a look at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Comrade Sheng, the director agreed, let me take you there."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." Sheng Fenghua nodded, picked up the medicine box and followed behind the policeman.Lao Cai thought for a while, and followed.

So, a group of four drove to the quarry overnight.

When several people arrived, the workers in the quarry had already fallen asleep.It has to be said that their hearts are really big.Workers can sleep even when they are dead.

Or they are used to it, after all, not one or two have died in this period of time.A total of sixty workers, this is not a small number.

Those workers have long since become accustomed to fear and panic from the very beginning.What's more, everyone was already exhausted after picking stones for a day, so it's no wonder they couldn't sleep.

The police first went to the person in charge of the quarry and asked them to call up all the quarry workers, and Sheng Fenghua wanted to question them one by one.

The person in charge looked at Sheng Fenghua with some embarrassment, and said, "Comrade, it's not that I don't want to wake up the workers. In fact, the workers are already tired after picking stones for a day. This will wake them up, and tomorrow they will go to work." Don't even think about going to work."

"Dead people, are you still going to work tomorrow?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, these people are dead, but they still go to work.Could it be that in the eyes of the owner of the quarry, human life is not taken seriously?

"Yeah, there are a lot of orders recently, and the construction period is rushed, so how can I not go to work?"

"No, before we find out the truth of the matter, we must stop working." Sheng Fenghua said.Her words made the person in charge change his face, and said: "Comrade, it's not up to me to decide whether to stop work. Although I am the person in charge here, the boss won't stop work, and I can't help it. "

"Or, like this, you go directly to our boss. If the boss agrees to stop working, I will stop working immediately without saying a word."

"Who is your boss? Tell me his phone number." Sheng Fenghua didn't make things difficult for the person in charge, and asked for their boss's phone number directly.

The person in charge hesitated for a moment, glanced at several people, and then reluctantly gave Sheng Fenghua the boss's phone number.

After receiving the call from the person in charge, Sheng Fenghua frowned.The call was somewhat familiar, but she couldn't remember whose call it was.

However, she didn't worry too much, she took out her mobile phone and dialed it.The phone was connected, and a familiar voice came, and Sheng Fenghua remembered whose call it was.

On the other end of the phone, Gong Rui was playing billiards with Jun Nianchen, seeing that it was Sheng Fenghua calling, he was very surprised, and said to Jun Nianchen, "Why did Sheng Fenghua call me?"

When Jun Nianchen heard this, he snatched the phone from Gong Rui's hand and glanced at the caller ID.Sure enough, it was Sheng Fenghua's number, his eyes flickered involuntarily, his fingers moved slightly, and stopped on the answer button, but he never pressed it.

After hesitating for a while, he still returned the phone to Gong Rui, and said, "You answer it!"

Gong Rui glanced at Jun Nianchen, then answered the phone in front of him.

When the phone was connected, Sheng Fenghua's voice came into Gong Rui's ears: "Hello, I'm Sheng Fenghua!"

"Fenghua, I'm Gong Rui."

"Gong Rui, it's like this, the Jiulong Quarry in Stone Town is a company under your name, right?" Sheng Fenghua asked directly.

"That's right!"

"Then you should know that a worker in the quarry died tonight."

"I know, what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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