ace warm marriage

Chapter 1208 Cough Herbs

Chapter 1208 Cough Herbs ([-])

"I'm at the quarry right now. If I'm free, I'll come here. If I'm not free, please tell the person in charge of the quarry. Before I can find out the cause of death, the quarry will be closed for a while. "

"What, you're in the quarry?" Gong Rui didn't hear what Sheng Fenghua said clearly at all, he was a little excited when he heard only the words "she's in the quarry", and took a deep look at Jun Nianchen.

Gong Rui directly turned on the hands-free, so Jun Nianchen naturally heard Sheng Fenghua's words clearly.So, after he heard that Sheng Fenghua was in the quarry, his whole person became different.

There was a bright light in the eyes, and the whole person suddenly had a little more vitality.


"That's fine, I'll go there now." Gong Rui glanced at the excited Jun Nianchen and said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Sheng Fenghua hung up the phone, glanced at the person in charge and said, "Your boss will come over later."

"What?" The person in charge was surprised and looked at Sheng Fenghua.Although Gong Rui is the boss, he rarely comes to this quarry.Every time it was his assistant, carte blanche.

But now, because of a phone call from Sheng Fenghua, he wanted to come here in person.He couldn't help guessing who this Sheng Fenghua was, who actually made the boss come over in person.

In fact, when he called the boss at the beginning, he also wanted to embarrass Sheng Fenghua, and wanted her to quit.But who knew, Sheng Fenghua knew their boss, which surprised him.

Sure enough, people cannot be judged by their appearance.This woman doesn't look like a mountain, she doesn't reveal herself, and she is actually an old acquaintance of the boss.It seems that he has to take good care of him.Otherwise, if she complained to the boss or something, he wouldn't even think about being the person in charge.

"Why are you still in a daze, hurry up and wake up the workers." Lao Cai on the side pushed the person in charge.Since Sheng Fenghua could get the owner of the quarry to come over, he could also stop the quarry from working.

"Yes, yes, yes!" The person in charge, who knew the times, turned around and went to the dormitory where the workers lived.

Sheng Fenghua watched the person in charge go to call for someone, sat down on the chair, and then told the police: "In a moment, please come and take notes."

"no problem!"

The policeman agreed.

After a while, the person in charge came back and told Sheng Fenghua that the workers would get up soon.

Sheng Fenghua nodded, and after waiting for a while, the workers came over one after another.She asked all the questions she wanted to know, but the workers' answers made her extremely disappointed.

Sure enough, the police didn't lie to her, and they didn't ask any questions from these workers.Not only that, but the workers became a little impatient with the questions Sheng Fenghua asked.

He said to her: "Comrade, the comrades at the police station have asked these questions before, why do you still ask? If you want to know, just ask the comrades at the police station. You are making us sleepless. pregnancy."

Sheng Fenghua looked at these workers with chills in his heart.The ones who died were their coworkers, they were so indifferent, thanks to her sympathy for them in the morning.

Now it seems that her sympathy for such an indifferent person is really superfluous.

Sheng Fenghua was a little disappointed when he couldn't ask anything, but he wasn't discouraged.After letting them go back, they directly said to the person in charge: "Where is the dormitory of the deceased, I want to go and see."

The person in charge did not neglect her, regardless of her status, it would definitely not be an ordinary person who could hire their boss.So, the person in charge took Sheng Fenghua directly to the dormitory where the deceased lived.

(End of this chapter)

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