ace warm marriage

Chapter 1209 Cough Herbs

Chapter 1209 Cough Herbs ([-])

There are six people in one room in the dormitory here. Because of the death, the other five people moved to another dormitory.Therefore, when Sheng Fenghua and his party entered, the dormitory was empty.

Opening the door, Sheng Fenghua first took a look at the whole room, and then asked the person in charge, "Which bunk did the deceased live in?"

"The lower bunk next to the window over there." The person in charge pointed to the bunk in front and said.

Sheng Fenghua walked over.As soon as she got close, she smelled a smell of wine, and she couldn't help frowning.Then he looked down.

After a while, she found an empty bottle from under the bed, picked it up and smelled it, and it really smelled like wine.

Sheng Fenghua handed the bottle to the policeman and asked him to hold it first, and then checked other things.I looked around, but found nothing else.When she was about to leave, a little green under her feet caught her attention.

Sheng Fenghua squatted down, picked up the green thing on the ground, and found out what kind of plant the green thing was after looking at it.

She put the plant in her nose and smelled it, and it smelled like medicine.

It seems that that thing is a herb.It's just that she doesn't seem to have seen such herbs.At this time, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in her mind, and she thought of the cough medicine that Dean Huang had mentioned before.

Looking up, Sheng Fenghua glanced at the few people present, passed the plant in his hand to them, and asked, "Who of you know this thing?"

Several people glanced at it, and the policeman and Lao Cai shook their heads at the same time.On the contrary, the person in charge reached out to take the plant, looked at it carefully, and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this plant should be the cough grass that people here often say."

"Cough-relieving grass?" Sheng Fenghua was taken aback for a moment, but he had guessed it right. This thing was really cough-relieving grass.

"That's right, our workers sometimes pick this kind of grass when they don't feel well, and then drink it with wine." The person in charge explained and returned the cough medicine to Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua thought for a while holding the cough medicine, and then asked: "Where is this kind of grass, can you take me to see it?"

"There is no grass near this place. You only need to go to that mountain over there. There are high mountains and dense forests over there, and the road is not easy to walk. We rarely go there."

"Well, let's see if any of you are free tomorrow and know this cough medicine, take me to have a look."

"Okay." The person in charge agreed, planning to find a worker who knew the way and take Sheng Fenghua there.

Sheng Fenghua took out a transparent bag from the medicine box, filled it with the cough medicine, and planned to go back and do some research to find out what the cough medicine was made of.

After installing the cough medicine, Sheng Fenghua looked up at the person in charge again, and asked, "Didn't you say that the deceased was normal? How could there be cough medicine in his room? And, as you said just now, this cough medicine The grass is not around here, it will take time to pick it. When did he go out?"

The person in charge was speechless by Sheng Fenghua's questioning, and he said after a long time, "I'll go back and check to see if he has asked for leave."

"I'll go with you in a while. Also, call the workers who lived in the same room as the deceased. I have something to ask them."

"Okay, I'm going to call for someone now." After the person in charge finished speaking, he left the room and called for someone.

After a while, the five workers who lived with the deceased were called over.As soon as he entered the room, Sheng Fenghua saw their unhappy faces.

"You still don't let people sleep, what are you asking? Haven't we already said that?" One of the workers was the first to complain as soon as he entered the door.

(End of this chapter)

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