ace warm marriage

Chapter 122 I Can Guarantee

Chapter 122 I Can Guarantee
"Go and help Sheng Fenghua perform surgery on the parturient first." Dean Yang ordered, then turned to look at Wu Yi, and asked, "Director Wu, didn't you go home? Why are you still here?"

"Dean Yang, why are you here?" Director Wu sneered, pointed to Sheng Fenghua who had already entered the operating room, and said, "I'm thinking for our hospital, in case Sheng Fenghua kills two people Come out, can the hospital afford it?"

When Dean Yang heard the phrase 'one corpse, two lives', his expression turned ugly, and he glared at Director Wu and shouted, "Shut up!"

And the husband of the pregnant woman, whose face was beyond pale, stepped forward and grabbed Director Wu's sleeve, and said, "Doctor, doctor, please, please save my wife and child."

When Dean Yang heard the man's words, he gave Director Wu a hard look, and then comforted the man, "Sir, don't worry, we will definitely save your child."

After finishing speaking, she pointed to the operating room and said, "Look, we are already preparing for the operation. I believe that your child will be able to meet you soon."

As soon as Dean Yang finished speaking, a nurse came over with a consent form for the operation, and said to the man, "Families of the parturient, we are going to have an operation soon, please sign it."

"No, no, I won't sign. The doctor said just now that my wife will die, and I want to change doctors to operate on my wife."

The man looked at the surgery confirmation signature sheet held by the nurse and kept backing away. He was afraid that his wife and child would really not survive.

"Dean, what do you think?" The nurse looked at the man with a frightened face, and looked at Dean Yang in embarrassment.

"Director Wu, you can go." Dean Yang gave Director Wu a cold look and chased him away.

It's a big deal, he will do the surgery himself in a while.This Wu Yi couldn't stay anymore, it seemed that she had to use this opportunity to fire her.

As a doctor, how can he speak to the patient's family like this.As soon as she said that, what was originally fine turned into something.

In the operating room, Sheng Fenghua was ready, but the nurse didn't bring back the signed confirmation form for a long time, and walked out with a gloomy expression.

"What's going on? The mother is about to undergo surgery." Sheng Fenghua glanced at the nurse and asked.

"Doctor Sheng, the family members are unwilling to sign." The nurse looked at Sheng Fenghua with a embarrassed expression.The other party is unwilling to sign and looks scared, so she can't force the other party to sign.

After hearing what the nurse said, Sheng Fenghua glanced at the man, frowned, and asked, "Why don't you want to sign? Is it because of what Director Wu said?"

The man nodded, and gave Sheng Fenghua a guilty look.He shouldn't have doubted her, but she looked too young.

"If you don't sign, then we won't be able to perform the operation. If you don't have the operation, your wife and children will really be lost. In this case, do you still hesitate?"

"I, I, I..." The man looked at Shang Sheng Fenghua's cold and serious gaze, unable to speak.

Yes, even if he wanted to change hospitals now, it was too late, because his wife and children couldn't wait.

Thinking about it, the man gritted his teeth, turned his head to look at Dean Yang, and asked, "You are the dean of this hospital, can you guarantee that my wife and children are safe?"

Dean Yang was questioned, the operation will be risky, and no one can guarantee it [-]%.

Seeing that Dean Yang didn't answer in time, the man's expression changed again.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua suddenly spoke and said, "I can guarantee it!"

"You, what guarantee do you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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