Chapter 123
"Just in my hands, there has never been an accident." Sheng Fenghua said solemnly.

"Really?" The man looked at Sheng Fenghua suspiciously.

Sheng Fenghua didn't speak, and looked at the man peacefully, his eyes were crystal clear.At this moment, the man suddenly believed Sheng Fenghua's words.

He felt that having such clear eyes that seemed to be untainted by dust should not be deceiving.

So, he walked slowly to the nurse and wrote down his name.

Seeing that the other party signed, Sheng Fenghua glanced at Dean Yang, and then said to the man, "Don't worry, I won't let you down."

After speaking, she strode into the operating room.

Until the door of the operating room was closed, Dean Yang still stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.The way Sheng Fenghua spoke just now has been in his mind for a long time.

At that moment, she was so confident that her whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of light.Not to mention the mother's family members, even he was shocked.By accident, he believed Sheng Fenghua's words, and believed that there would be no accidents.

To be honest, Dean Yang was skeptical at first.However, although he didn't know Sheng Fenghua for long, he also understood her temperament and knew that she would never do anything that was not sure.

The man also stared blankly at the three words in the operation, his eyes were a little straight.He didn't know if he was right or not, but he wanted to bet that he didn't trust the wrong person.

Although Wu Yi was chased away by Dean Yang, she didn't leave. Seeing the man signing and seeing the lights in the operating room turn on, she refrained from doing it all over her face, with a hint of hatred in her eyes.

She still thought that Dean Yang would come to beg her?
After all, in the entire obstetrics and gynecology department, except for Wang Hongmei, she is the only one who can perform operations.

But she didn't expect that Sheng Fenghua really dared to perform the operation, and she didn't know where her confidence and courage came from.

Therefore, she made up her mind to wait outside. It would be best if Sheng Fenghua's operation was unsuccessful and two dead bodies would come out, so she could sit and watch the joke, and then slap Dean Yang in the face severely.

Sheng Fenghua didn't know Director Wu's vicious thoughts at all. At this time, she was comforting the parturient.

"Don't worry, you and your child will be fine, get a good night's sleep. When you wake up, you can see your child."

I don't know if Sheng Fenghua's consolation had an effect, or the effect of the anesthetic, the mother really fell asleep.

Only then did Sheng Fenghua start the operation.

The operation didn't take long, and the mother's body was not bad. Although she was injured and bumped, the baby didn't suffer any injuries and was still in good condition.

Opening the abdomen and taking the baby, Sheng Fenghua is very familiar with it, and the surgical tools are moving in her hands like works of art.The other people in the operating room couldn't help but couldn't look away, amazed.

The baby's cry sounded, indicating that he had come to the world.

Sheng Fenghua listened to the baby's loud cry, checked that there was nothing wrong with the baby, and then handed it to the nurse on the side, while he quickly helped the mother with the follow-up matters and stitched up the wound.

Her movements were graceful, like embroidery, which stunned several other people in the operating room.

It's not that they haven't seen others undergo surgery, but they have never done it so beautifully as Sheng Fenghua.Whether it was opening the abdomen or suturing the wound, everything looked so perfect that they completely ignored her age.

They didn't come back to their senses until Sheng Fenghua said "Okay".

(End of this chapter)

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