ace warm marriage

Chapter 124 Her Obsession

Chapter 124 Her Obsession
Sheng Fenghua put down the tools in his hands, took off the gloves, and took off the surgical gown, then took the child from the nurse's hands, and opened the door of the operating room with his arms in his arms.

This is the first child she has delivered since she became Sheng Fenghua, and she is very happy in her heart.

The mother's husband and Dean Yang kept staring at the door of the operating room, and when the lights dimmed, they immediately ran to the door and waited.

When Sheng Fenghua came out with the child in his arms, he saw the two stretching their necks at the door, and couldn't help being a little funny.

Cursing his lips lightly, Sheng Fenghua gave Dean Yang a reassuring look, then he hugged the child to the man, and said with a smile: "Mother and child are safe!"

"Great, great, thank you, thank you doctor." While thanking the man, the man went to take the child from Sheng Fenghua's hands.

But he didn't know if he was too nervous or he couldn't hug him. As soon as he touched the child, the child started to cry. The man's face turned pale with fright. He looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Sheng Fenghua looked at the nervous man, smiled and said: "You are too nervous, the posture for holding the child is wrong."

"Oh, oh." The man replied, but he didn't take the child. Instead, he glanced at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Doctor, please hold me first. I'll go see my wife."

After finishing speaking, the man was about to rush into the operating room, but saw other doctors and nurses pushing the parturient woman out.

"Is my wife okay?"

"Don't worry, the anesthetic hasn't expired yet, I'll wake up in a while."

Ye Huang finished speaking with a smile, put the child on the hospital bed, and let him sleep with his mother.

The man looked at Sheng Fenghua again to thank him, and then accompanied the other doctors to accompany his wife and son back to the ward.

After everyone else had left, Sheng Fenghua walked up to Dean Yang and said with a smile, "Dean Yang, I didn't disappoint you, did I?"

"No, no, you are better than I imagined." Dean Yang smiled more and more satisfied with Sheng Fenghua.

At this time, he was very glad that he acted quickly, otherwise Sheng Fenghua would have gone to another place, which would be a big loss for their hospital.

The operation was successful, the mother and child were safe, and Director Wu was the one who was most angry.The moment she saw Sheng Fenghua appear with the child in her arms, her entire face was contorted.

She never thought that Sheng Fenghua was really capable, and he could even perform surgery at a young age.

"Good luck to you!"

Director Wu finished speaking bitterly, turned around and left angrily.

Dean Yang watched Director Wu leave with a twinkle in his eyes.Before that, he was still thinking about who to mention as the director of the gynecology department.Seeing Sheng Fenghua now, he felt that there was no better candidate than her.

So, he looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Sheng girl, I want you to take care of obstetrics and gynecology. What do you think?"

"Let me take care of it?" Sheng Fenghua was taken aback, looked at Dean Yang, and asked, "What about Director Wu?"

"She and I have other arrangements. What do you think?"

Sheng Fenghua raised his head, looked at Dean Yang seriously, and said, "Dean Yang, I appreciate your kindness, but I don't want it here."

"You don't like obstetrics and gynecology?" Dean Yang frowned slightly. If Sheng Fenghua didn't want to stay in the obstetrics and gynecology department, he couldn't force it.

"No?" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, and said under Dean Yang's puzzled gaze, "I want to follow in my husband's footsteps."

"Being a soldier?" Dean Yang looked at Sheng Fenghua in shock, not expecting her to have such an idea.

Sheng Fenghua nodded, reborn in the first life, the military camp is her ideal, and Si Zhanbei is her obsession.

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(End of this chapter)

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