ace warm marriage

Chapter 1220 Discovering Clues

Chapter 1220 Discovering Clues ([-])

After she had gone through all the materials, she found three materials that mentioned cough medicine.For this reason, she became more and more determined to pick cough grass.

Her intuition told her that there should be something wrong with this cough medicine.Originally, she wanted to test it, but unfortunately, the cough medicine she found in Wang Dagui's dormitory was too little.

After reading the materials, it was almost three o'clock, so Sheng Fenghua went to rest.

After sleeping until six o'clock, Sheng Fenghua got up on time, ran for a while in the courtyard of the Armed Forces Department, and then washed up to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, Sheng Fenghua called Si Zhanbei.After a busy day yesterday, she didn't have time to report Si Zhanbei's safety.

This time, I just have some time, so take the time to call him.

Si Zhanbei was naturally happy when he received Sheng Fenghua's call.God knows how worried he was when he learned that his daughter-in-law was going on a mission.Now, after receiving a call from Sheng Fenghua, his heart that had been hanging around was slightly relieved.

If the daughter-in-law can make a phone call, it means that the mission is not so dangerous.

Sheng Fenghua chatted with Si Zhanbei for a while, and only then did he know that he was going to participate in the all-around competition organized by the school today.There was no way to see Si Zhanbei play, Sheng Fenghua felt a little regretful.

However, Si Zhanbei told her that he would call her as soon as the competition was over and tell her the results and results of the competition.

After hearing this, Sheng Fenghua finally felt better.

The two chatted for a while, and Sheng Fenghua hung up the phone when Lao Cai came to find him.

"Comrade Sheng, when do you think you're going to pick cough grass?" Lao Cai asked after watching Sheng Fenghua hang up the phone.

Last night, Sheng Fenghua promised to take her to pick cough grass, so he came to ask early in the morning.See when she decides, so he can make arrangements.

"Now!" Sheng Fenghua replied.Since she suspected something wrong with the cough medicine last night, it's better to confirm it as soon as possible.

"That's fine, I'll make arrangements and go with you." When Lao Cai heard this, he had no objection, and turned to work according to the schedule.

Sheng Fenghua waited for a while, and Lao Cai came outside her room again and said, "Comrade Sheng, you can go."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua responded, then left the room, found a small basket, and went out with Lao Cai.However, when going out, Qin Feng caught up with them and said that he would go with them.

Sheng Fenghua did not refuse, she knew what Qin Feng was worried about.Although, she didn't feel that she needed protection, but Qin Feng had their mission, so she didn't say much.

Not only that, Qin Feng also brought two more people.

So, a group of five people left the Armed Forces Department and went to the mountain with cough grass.It is said that Wangshan runs to death, and it is true.

As soon as he went out, Lao Cai showed Sheng Fenghua and the others the mountain where the cough grass grew.But when they walked from the town to the foot of the mountain, an hour had passed.

At the foot of the mountain, Sheng Fenghua looked up at the mountain.The trees are so green and lush that you can't even see the way up the mountain.

"Lao Cai, there is no road to go up the mountain. How did those workers get up there?" Sheng Fenghua was full of questions.

If they knew there was no way up the mountain, they should have brought some tools.But now, they are empty-handed, how are they going to go up?
No, after hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Lao Cai smiled and said: "The way up the mountain is on the other side, so we have to walk for a while. Of course, we can also go up here, but it will be more difficult .”

(End of this chapter)

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