ace warm marriage

Chapter 1221 Discovering Clues

Chapter 1221 Discovering Clues ([-])

"Can you go up?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at the mountain again, but he didn't find where the road that Lao Cai said he could go up was at all.Could it be that Lao Cai let them go their own way?

As if knowing what Sheng Fenghua was thinking, Lao Cai suddenly stepped forward and walked forward.Sheng Fenghua glanced at him suspiciously, and then followed.

After walking about a dozen steps, Lao Cai stopped, then bent down, pushed aside the grass on the side of the road, pointed to the covered footprints under the grass, turned his head and said to Sheng Fenghua: "Comrade Sheng , See, this is the way."

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the road pointed by Lao Cai and was speechless.This is also called the road?These are clearly just a few footprints in the grass.

"Such a road, can we also go up?"

"Of course, most of those workers came from this road." Lao Cai explained with a smile, Sheng Fenghua's heart moved, he took a look at the footprints in the ground, put down the medicine basket, and walked from inside He took out a white towel and pressed it down on the footprints.

"Comrade Sheng, who is this?" Lao Cai looked at Sheng Fenghua with a puzzled expression, it was a new towel, it was just so dirty, what a pity.

"It's just a footprint." Sheng Fenghua smiled, and put away the towel that had the footprints stamped.

After putting away the towel and looking at the footprints extending along the road, Sheng Fenghua didn't ask to go to the other side, but directly set foot on this road that is not a road.

Lao Cai watched without asking any questions, and followed Sheng Fenghua up the mountain.

The road up the mountain is not easy to walk, let alone this road that is not a road?The group of people walked very slowly, more than half an hour passed, and they didn't even reach the halfway up the mountain.

Although along the way, Sheng Fenghua saw a lot of herbs, but there was no cough herb that she was looking for.

So she turned to look at Lao Cai and asked, "Lao Cai, we've been walking for so long, where is this cough medicine?"

Lao Cai shook his head and replied, "I only know that there is cough-relieving grass on this mountain, but I don't know where it is. Because I have never been to this mountain, let alone pick cough-relieving grass."

Sheng Fenghua was speechless. He glanced at Lao Cai and didn't know what to say.I thought that Lao Cai had been here before, but I didn't think that he had never been here at all.

Sheng Fenghua didn't find the cough grass, so naturally he didn't waste halfway, and then climbed to the top of the mountain.Fortunately, their luck was not bad, and they found the cough grass before reaching the top of the mountain.

Sheng Fenghua picked the cough grass and put it in the basket.In order to better study this herb, she picked a lot.According to Lao Cai's words, the herbs she picked were enough for at least twenty people.

Sheng Fenghua didn't stay on the mountain much after picking up the cough grass, but planned to go back.Since the previous road was not easy to walk, Sheng Fenghua planned to take another road, which was the road behind the mountain.

Lao Cai and Qin Feng had no objection to Sheng Fenghua's decision, and they walked to the other side of the mountain together.After walking for a while, the group of people saw a road.

That road is not too big, it looks like a mountain trail, but compared to the road they took before, this one is the real road.

On the road, Sheng Fenghua stopped, looked at the direction of the road, and asked, "Lao Cai, this road doesn't seem to be a road up the mountain at all. Where else does it lead to?"

After Lao Cai heard the words, he glanced at Sheng Fenghua and said, "That's right, besides going up the mountain, this road also leads to a village in the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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