ace warm marriage

Chapter 1222 Discovering Clues

Chapter 1222 Discovering Clues ([-])

"Is there a village in the mountains?" Sheng Fenghua was taken aback and asked.

"That's right!" Lao Cai nodded with a smile, but didn't say much.Sheng Fenghua, on the other hand, suddenly remembered the village that the people from the armed forces department mentioned when they came from the county.

Qin Feng also thought of this, so he glanced at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Isn't this road too small? It's not convenient for people in this village to get in and out."

"That's right, but what if people in the village seldom go in and out?" Lao Cai asked back. He didn't know until he came that there was such a village nestled deep in the mountains and isolated from the world.

"Seldom come in and out? Then what do they eat and drink?" Qin Feng was surprised again.On the way, the man also told them about the village, but he still didn't believe it.He thought it was a fantasy, but now he believed it a little bit.


"It's really surprising." Sheng Fenghua sighed, and said, "I really want to go and see how the people in this village live when I have time."

No, after hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Lao Cai's expression changed, and he said, "Comrade Sheng, you'd better not go."

"Why?" Sheng Fenghua was a little puzzled, and Lao Cai's expression clearly told her that there was a story here.

"I heard that people in that village dislike people from outside, and those who have been to that village will be seriously ill when they come out. As time goes by, no one in the town will go."

"A serious illness?" Sheng Fenghua's expression changed, and he asked, "What happened to those sick people? Are they all recovered?"

"I don't know about that." Lao Cai shook his head.

"Well, Lao Cai, can you help me inquire about the people who have been to that village, and see what happened to them in the end?"

"Okay, let me ask for you." Lao Cai agreed.

The group of people took a break and did not stay on the mountain for too long, and went down the mountain directly along the path.However, what they didn't know was that there was a pair of eyes looking at them in the forest.It wasn't until they went down the mountain that the owner of the eyes left and walked towards the other side.

That direction is exactly the direction to the village that Lao Cai said before.

After going down the mountain, Sheng Fenghua and the others didn't stop, and went straight back to the town, to the armed forces department.After returning to the Armed Forces, Lao Cai went to work.And Sheng Fenghua took the cough medicine into the room, ready to study it carefully.

However, before she had time to enter the space, Gong Rui and others came to find her.

There was no other way, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to temporarily give up the idea of ​​entering the space, and went out of the room to meet Gong Rui and the others.

"Fenghua!" Seeing Sheng Fenghua, Gong Rui and Jun Nianchen smiled and greeted each other.

"Why didn't you rest for a while?" Sheng Fenghua also laughed and asked.

"What happened in the quarry, how can I sleep." Gong Rui replied, while looking at Sheng Fenghua, seeing her clothes, he couldn't help but think of what the people in the armed forces said to him before, so he asked Said: "I heard that you went to the mountain early in the morning, how was it? Did you gain anything?"

"It's okay, I picked some cough medicine." Sheng Fenghua was in a good mood when he thought of today's harvest.Afterwards, she thought about Brother Chen, glanced at Gong Rui, and asked, "By the way, what about you, is there any progress?"

"Yes, we're here to talk to you about it."

"Oh, is there any progress? It's pretty fast." Sheng Fenghua raised his eyebrows and asked, "Let me guess, did you find out about Brother Chen's background?"

(End of this chapter)

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