ace warm marriage

Chapter 1226 Follow the vine

Chapter 1226 Follow the vine ([-])

Thinking of what happened before, his face immediately changed, he looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I failed to complete the task."

"It's good that you're fine." Sheng Fenghua smiled and comforted Leopard, as long as he's fine, Brother Chen will be caught one day if he runs away.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I'm fine."

"Leopard, tell us about the situation at that time." Qin Feng saw that Leopard's mind had cleared up, so he asked.

As a member of the special operations team, Leopard was experienced in many battles, so how could he pass out so easily.

"The thing is like this." Leopard told everyone about the situation last night.It turned out that last night he had been secretly guarding Brother Chen, waiting for his accomplice to appear.

I waited until after four o'clock in the morning, when people were most sleepy, Brother Chen's accomplice appeared, it was a petite woman.

Leopard hid in the dark and didn't show up right away, thinking that when they rescued Brother Chen, he would follow secretly and see where these people were staying.

However, what he didn't expect was that it wasn't just a person who came to the other party.It was too late when he found someone behind him.A strange fragrance came, and he passed out immediately.

He didn't know what happened next.

"You mean, Brother Chen was rescued by more than one person last night?" Sheng Fenghua frowned. If more than one person came, then Brother Chen and the others might be some kind of gang.

However, what Sheng Fenghua didn't understand was, why did Brother Chen poison those workers to death?They have no enmity against him.

Could it be that those people were silenced because they discovered Brother Chen's secret?

As soon as this idea appeared in Sheng Fenghua's mind, it took root and sprouted, and it grew rapidly.She couldn't help thinking of that isolated village.

Brother Chen was from the village, Sheng Fenghua was wondering if there was some secret hidden in the village, so the people there rarely came out and others were not allowed in.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua decided to call later and ask the person who sent them here yesterday to see how the matter he was asked to help with the investigation was going.Also, what I said to Lao Cai this morning must be speeded up.

For some reason, Sheng Fenghua felt that there must be something wrong with that village.

"Yes, although I fainted last night. But at the moment of fainting, I glanced behind me, and there were two men."

"So, there are three people who rescued Brother Chen."


"Then do you still remember what those three people looked like?" Sheng Fenghua asked again, it would be easier to find them if they knew what they looked like.

"Because the woman was a little far away, I couldn't see clearly. But I still have some impressions of those two men."

"Draw them down." Sheng Fenghua said while asking other teammates to bring over two pieces of paper.

Leopard sat up from the bed, took the paper and began to draw quickly.Soon the sketch of a human head was finished, Sheng Fenghua glanced at it, and his expression suddenly became ugly.

Not only her, but Qin Feng's expression also changed, and he said, "Isn't this the security guard who lives with Brother Chen?"

"That's right, it's him. Last night, he said that he asked for leave the day Wang Dagui went out."

"That's right. We ruled out this person from the beginning, but we didn't expect him to be Brother Chen's accomplice."

Sure enough, until the last moment, no one knew who was the good guy and who was the bad guy.

(End of this chapter)

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