ace warm marriage

Chapter 1227 Follow the vine

Chapter 1227 Follow the vines ([-])

After the two finished talking, Leopard finished drawing another portrait.Sheng Fenghua was taken aback by this person, thinking he had seen him somewhere before.

But I can't remember it for a while.

Sheng Fenghua thought for a while before he realized where he had met the other party.So he said to Qin Feng: "I have seen this person too."

"Have you seen it?" Qin Feng was taken aback, and carefully looked at the portrait, but he didn't have any impression.

"That's right!"

"Where is it?" Qin Feng couldn't help asking.Generally, he would have an impression of everyone he met, but he didn't have the slightest impression of this person.

"You haven't been to the courtyard where Brother Chen lives before, so you haven't seen him."

"No wonder."

"This man lives next door to Brother Chen. When we went to find Brother Chen's house, he was watching at the door. When we left, he seemed to be going out too. Now it seems that it is not a coincidence that he went out, it is very likely I'm going to report to Brother Chen."

"What should we do now?"

"Give these two portraits to Director Wu of the police station, and ask him to send someone to arrest them." Sheng Fenghua thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I'll send someone there right away." Qin Feng immediately pointed to a team member, asking him to bring the portrait to Captain Wu, and cooperate with the comrades at the police station to arrest him.

At this time, Leopard spoke up and said, "Captain, I'll go."

"You?" Qin Feng glanced at Leopard and said, "Your body..."

Without waiting for Qin Feng to finish speaking, Leopard immediately said: "Captain, don't worry, I'm fine. Besides, I was fooled by them. If I didn't catch them with my own hands, I would feel sorry for myself."

After hearing Leopard's words, Qin Feng glanced at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Is his body okay?"

Qin Feng didn't want his team members to put their bodies at all in order to win a sigh of relief.

"No problem." Sheng Fenghua replied, Leopard was just drugged, now that he is awake, it will be fine.

Of course, it's better to take a break.However, judging from the leopard's physical fitness, it doesn't matter whether he rests or not.

"Since Fenghua has said so, let's go." Qin Feng agreed to Leopard's request, which made him unhappy.He raised his hand to give a military salute to Sheng Fenghua and Qin Feng, and said, "Thank you sister-in-law, thank you captain."

After speaking, he picked up the portrait and went directly to the police station.

Seeing the leopard leave, Sheng Fenghua talked to Qin Feng before going back to the room.Back in the room, she brought the cough herbs she picked in the morning and the cough herbs she found at Brother Chen's place into the space.

As soon as he entered the space, Sheng Fenghua began to get busy.She first tested the ingredients of those cough medicines. In order to verify the effect of cough medicine, she deliberately soaked the cough medicines in wine for an hour.

After testing, it was found that the cough herb really has the effect of relieving cough, especially the cough herb soaked in wine, the effect is very obvious.

However, if the cough medicine soaked in wine is taken for a long time, it will also cause damage to the body.It will reduce the body's resistance.

After testing the cough medicine he picked, Sheng Fenghua started to check the cough medicine brought back from where Brother Chen lived, as well as the water in the bottle.

I don't know if I don't check it, but I'm really shocked when I check it.When Sheng Fenghua saw the results of the examination, he was in a bad mood.

The cough medicine in this bottle is actually carrying a virus, as long as you drink it, you will die immediately.Therefore, Sheng Fenghua suspected that Wang Dagui's death was probably caused by this cough medicine.

He should have eaten this virus-laden cough herb, which led to his death.

(End of this chapter)

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