ace warm marriage

Chapter 1228 Follow the vine

Chapter 1228

If this is the case, another question came to Sheng Fenghua's mind again, that is, Wang Dagui went to the mountain to pick the cough grass himself, so how could it turn into a virus-laden cough grass?

Unless someone changed the cough herb he picked.

So, who is the person who changed the cough medicine?Is it Brother Chen, or the security guard who asked for leave and didn't go to work?

Sheng Fenghua thought for a while, but he didn't have any clues, and he stopped thinking.Holding the test results, he left the space.

Besides, Baozi and the people from the police station first went to Brother Chen's next door, but they didn't think there was anyone in the yard.So, I had to give up, and then turned around and went to the quarry.

The security guard at the quarry was at work, and was startled when he saw the people from the police station coming.Especially when he saw the leopard, his face changed, and then he immediately made an excuse and left the security room.

When Leopard and the others found Manager Liu, explained the situation, and then went to the security guard, the security guard had already hid.

"Where's the person?" Manager Liu looked at the other security guards and asked.There were originally three people standing guard, but now there are two people, and it is obvious that the other person has escaped.

When Leopard saw that the man was not there, his expression changed immediately, and he said directly: "He must have seen us, so he ran away early."

After finishing speaking, he directly asked the two security guards: "Where is your companion, where did he go?"

"He said to go to the bathroom." One of the security guards said.

"Where is the bathroom?"

"Over there!" The security guard pointed in the direction of the bathroom, and Leopard and the others immediately chased in the direction of the bathroom.It's just, when they go to the bathroom, where is anyone else?The security guard had already run away.

"No one!" The man from the police station said to Leopard, and his expression was not very good.They also did not expect that the security guard reacted so quickly and left early.

"He should have run away." Leopard said as he ran out of the quarry.This person is an important breakthrough, and he must be caught.

The leopard was very fast, and when it ran out of the quarry, it happened to see a figure running towards the mountain not far away.

"Stop!" The leopard yelled, chasing forward quickly.When the comrades from the police station came out, Leopard had already chased the security guard away by himself.

After all, the leopard has been trained for a long time, and its physical strength and speed are very good.Therefore, the distance between him and the security guard became shorter and shorter, and he quickly caught up with him.

Seeing that he was being overtaken, the security guard simply stopped running. He turned to look at the leopard, and asked, "Comrade, why are you chasing me all this time?"

"Why are you running?" Leopard looked at the security guard lightly, and put himself on alert, wary of him fighting back or running away again.

"I didn't run for anything." The security guard looked at the leopard innocently and said, "What are you chasing me for?"

"Why did you run, that's why I chased you." Leopard said coldly, and stepped forward to restrain the security guard.In this way, even if the security guard wanted to run, he couldn't.

His hands were restrained, and the security guard's expression turned ugly.He knew leopards, so he thought he was drugged, and at least he would have to sleep for a day or two.But he didn't want to, he woke up so soon.

It seems that this person is either strong-willed, or has masters around him.Otherwise, he wouldn't wake up so soon.

"Let me go, let me go!" The security guard struggled, he didn't want to be caught.Now that Brother Chen and the others are not here, once he is arrested, it will be difficult to get out.

"Be honest!" Leopard scolded, looking at the security guard with a warning face.If he is dishonest again, he doesn't mind using some tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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