ace warm marriage

Chapter 1229 Follow the vine

Chapter 1229 Follow the vine ([-])

"Why did you arrest me?" The security guard couldn't break free, so he had to change a method, trying to get away.

"Why?" Leopard sneered, exerted a little force on his hands, and said, "What do you think?"

"How do I know?" The security guard pretended to be confused.He knew the reason well, but he couldn't say it out.

"Just keep pretending." Leopard glanced at the security guard lightly, and then dragged him back.Regardless of whether Baoan promises to admit it or not, he will take him back.

As long as you go back to the first trial, you will naturally know everything.

However, the security guard didn't cooperate, and struggled again, saying: "You let me go, I didn't do anything, why are you arresting me?"

"Whether you are doing it or not, you know it in your heart. Otherwise, well, why did you run?"

"I'm going to the bathroom, can't I?" the security guard argued.

"Don't treat other people as fools, understand?" Leopard looked at the security guard with a cold face, trying to get away with it.

At this time, the comrades from the police station finally caught up, looked at Leopard and said, "Comrade Leopard, thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay, as long as someone catches it, take it back and have a proper interrogation. The other one must also be guarded. Once the other party comes back, it will be arrested directly."

"Don't worry, our people are already guarding there. As long as the other party comes back, we will definitely be able to catch him."

"That's good!"

"Leave the man to us."


The comrades at the police station picked him up, put on handcuffs, and escorted him back to the police station.Leopard was a little worried, and followed all the way, and went back when he saw the comrades at the police station lock up the security guards.

Back at the Armed Forces Department, Sheng Fenghua had already come out of the room.The leopard reported the situation to her.

After hearing what Leopard said, Sheng Fenghua immediately decided to interrogate the security guard first, so as not to have long nights and dreams.If the security guard is rescued by his accomplice again, they will lose more than they gain.

"I'll go with you." Qin Feng also followed when he heard that Sheng Fenghua was going to interrogate the security guard.

Sheng Fenghua had no objection, and went to the police station with Qin Feng.When they arrived, director Wu was preparing to interrogate people.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua and Qin Feng coming and saying hello, the interrogation began.

At the beginning, the security guard's mouth had to be quite hard.Later, Sheng Fenghua saw that he couldn't ask anything, so he had to use the excuse to go to the bathroom, then took some things from the space, and forced the security guard to eat.

"What did you give me?" The security guard was forced to swallow the food in Sheng Fenghua's hand, and wanted to vomit it himself.

However, the pills made by Sheng Fenghua melted in his mouth, and he couldn't spit them out at all.Unable to vomit, the security guard became more and more uneasy.

He suspected that what Sheng Fenghua gave him was poison, so he panicked.

"Guess." Sheng Fenghua smiled with his lips curled up. That enchanting smile made the security guard even more uneasy.

Moreover, he already felt something strange in his body, and he became more and more sure that what Sheng Fenghua gave him was poison.

"You, did you poison me?" The security guard stared at Sheng Fenghua with anger.

Seeing him like this, Sheng Fenghua said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, I am much more kind than you, at least I won't take your life."

"You?" The security guard glared at Sheng Fenghua, speechless.He knew that their affairs had failed, his eyes flickered slightly, and he quickly thought of countermeasures.

It's just that he hasn't figured out a countermeasure yet, and his mind is not under control.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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