ace warm marriage

Chapter 1241 Experiment Base

Chapter 1241 Experiment Base ([-])

No wonder, after other people came to this village, they were either sick or had accidents, but Lao Tian was fine.

Sheng Fenghua was about to go up to arrest Lao Tian for questioning, when two more people came out of the room, and they were also two acquaintances.

One of them is Brother Chen, and the other is the person who lives next door to Brother Chen.

Three people came out at once, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to retreat to his original position again, and then look for another opportunity.However, she could roughly see that the people living in this courtyard were probably enemies.

Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua did not wait long for this opportunity.After Brother Chen came out, he walked in another direction instead of walking with Lao Tian and the others.

Seeing that Brother Chen was alone, Sheng Fenghua quietly followed behind him.

When Brother Chen came back after using the toilet, when he saw Sheng Fenghua who suddenly appeared in front of him, his expression changed, and he opened his mouth to shout.

It's a pity that Sheng Fenghua didn't give him a chance at all. The moment he uttered his voice, a silver needle pierced his body, making him unable to yell even if he wanted to.

Brother Chen couldn't shout out, so he shot Sheng Fenghua immediately.Sheng Fenghua avoided Brother Chen's palm, then took out a pack of medicinal powder from his body, and sprinkled it directly on Brother Chen's body.

This is not a good place to fight, let's just knock him out.

A pack of medicine powder made Brother Chen dizzy, Sheng Fenghua dragged him to a corner, then saw that there was no one around, then stabbed him awake with a silver needle.

As soon as Brother Chen woke up and saw Sheng Fenghua, he shouted again, but couldn't make a sound.There was no sound, Brother Chen's face changed, and he wanted to do it again.

But soon he found that he couldn't lift his hands either.

As a result, Brother Chen panicked immediately, and opened his mouth to ask, "What did you do to me?"

Although Brother Chen couldn't make a sound, Sheng Fenghua could read the mouth shape. Knowing what he was asking, he smiled and said, "Don't you often use poison? I'll let you have a taste of poisoning today."

"You?" Brother Chen's face became ugly when he heard it, and he said, "What do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, tell me who you are?" Sheng Fenghua said lightly. From the skills of those people just now, it can be seen that this is not a simple organization.

Combined with the strange virus, Sheng Fenghua had a bad feeling in his heart.It's just that, before the matter is clarified, she dare not draw conclusions easily.

"Don't even think about it!" Brother Chen has a lot of backbone, staring at Sheng Fenghua, as if he would never say anything.Sheng Fenghua looked at it, curled his lips into a smile, then took out a silver needle from his body and quickly pierced Brother Chen's body.

After one injection, Brother Chen's expression changed, he opened his mouth and shouted.

But no matter how much he opened his mouth, there was still no sound.Not only that, as Sheng Fenghua's silver needles kept piercing his acupuncture points, it seemed as if thousands of ants were crawling over his body, itching and hurting, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"Say it or not?" Seeing Brother Chen's painful look, Sheng Fenghua took back the silver needle and looked at him indifferently.

"Devil, you are a devil!" Brother Chen yelled at Sheng Fenghua, the itchy and painful feeling was too uncomfortable.

"Really? Compared with you, I'm definitely an angel, aren't I? Three months, sixty lives, how can you do it?" After understanding what Brother Chen said, his eyes became cold stand up.

No matter what she did, she didn't want Brother Chen's life, let alone attack innocent people.But what about Brother Chen and the others?
 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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