ace warm marriage

Chapter 1242 Terrorist Organization

Chapter 1242 Terrorist Organization ([-])

How innocent those quarrymen were, but they killed them for some shady purpose.

Among them were fathers, sons, and husbands.They just died so inexplicably, what should their relatives do?
Now, she just taught Brother Chen a little lesson, and he thought she was a devil, so what about them?
"It's their honor, and they have to thank us. If it weren't for us, how could his family get a large grant and live a good life. How much do you think they can earn by mining a stone? I told You, even if they mine stones for a lifetime, they won’t be able to earn the subsidy for death.”

Hearing Brother Chen's words, Sheng Fenghua was so angry that he couldn't speak, he directly raised his hand and slapped him fiercely on the face.She never thought of such shamelessness and inhumanity.Killing other people's lives, but also feel that others should be grateful to them.

Why don't they go to heaven?
They even think that money can heal everything and make up for the pain of losing a loved one.

Brother Chen's body was already itchy and painful, and he was extremely uncomfortable.This time, Sheng Fenghua slapped him a few more times, and Sheng Fenghua was still so hard that his whole face twisted in pain.

After a while, the face that had been slapped was swollen and looked like a pig's head.For his masterpiece, Sheng Fenghua didn't have the heart to appreciate it, so he raised his finger and pointed at Brother Chen's head, and said, "Brother Chen, let me tell you, it's not easy to beat you, a person like you who has no conscience is simply damned!" .”

"Then you killed me!" Brother Chen looked indifferent, his eyes full of gloomy fire.He felt that Sheng Fenghua didn't dare to kill him at all, because she was different from them, she represented the side of justice.And often such a party has too many scruples and cares too much about reputation, so she dare not kill him at all.

"Do you think I dare not?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, looking into Brother Chen's eyes, and said, "For me, killing you is as easy as crushing an ant .”

"Then you kill him." Brother Chen didn't take Sheng Fenghua's words to heart at all, he was sure that Sheng Fenghua would not kill him.

To be honest, Sheng Fenghua really wanted to kill Brother Chen at this moment.But after thinking about it, she realized that Brother Chen did it on purpose. He wanted to use aggressive methods to make her kill him, so as to keep their secret.

Sheng Fenghua is not a fool, how could he be easily fooled.Moreover, she didn't get the information she wanted to know, so how could Brother Chen die.

So, Sheng Fenghua straightened up slightly, held Brother Tichen's collar in his hand, slowly raised his lips, and said, "If you want to die, I will help you. But, not now."

"You just don't dare!" Brother Chen's eyes flickered, and he looked at Sheng Fenghua with contempt.He was a little shocked in his heart, he didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to see his plan.

Yes, he just wanted to die.He heard from the leader that tonight is the most critical time, and they must not spoil the big deal.Therefore, regarding organization and research, he must not leak half a word from his mouth.

Otherwise, once Sheng Fenghua and the others knew, the consequences would definitely not be something they could afford.For more than ten years, their people have worked hard, just to research a virus that kills people invisible, but makes people unable to detect the cause of death.

Over the past ten years, for this research, the organization has spent a lot of manpower and material resources.Now, seeing that victory is in sight, he must not be the one holding back.

(End of this chapter)

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