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Chapter 1243 Terrorist Organization

Chapter 1243 Terrorist Organization ([-])
At this moment, he can withstand Sheng Fenghua's interrogation, but it may not be so after a long time.Because it felt too painful, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it, so he told Sheng Fenghua everything.

In this way, not only is he finished, but the organization is also finished, and the research that is about to succeed is also finished.Therefore, he would rather die than be tortured, betray his organization, and ruin everything.

Seeing Brother Chen like this, Sheng Fenghua understood his plan more and more, without saying anything, he just looked at him like that.

In the end, it was Brother Chen who was defeated first, then looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "What exactly do you want?"

"Tell me, who are you?" Sheng Fenghua repeated the previous question.After Brother Chen heard her question, his eyes flickered, but he didn't answer.

He can't say, can't say.

"It seems that you haven't suffered enough. If that's the case, then I'll add some good things for you." Sheng Fenghua's eyes turned cold, and he took another pack of medicine powder from his body.

This time, she brought quite a lot of poison, so she can test it on Brother Chen one by one.Moreover, no one will come to the place where they are staying now.

Those people were attracted by Qin Feng and the others, and she was safe for the time being.

Seeing what Sheng Fenghua took out, Brother Chen's expression changed again.Originally, he was tortured by Sheng Fenghua very painfully, but now he got another pack of poison, it's no wonder he can stand it.

He had no way to let Sheng Fenghua kill him, so he could only take the road of suicide.Thinking about it, Brother Chen wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself.

I don't want to, Sheng Fenghua noticed it before he bit it, and stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, dismounting his horse.

His jaw was dislocated, and Brother Chen's idea of ​​committing suicide was once again in vain. He looked up at Sheng Fenghua with hatred, moved his lips, and said, "If you have the ability, just kill me."

Sheng Fenghua was unmoved, and poured the medicinal powder into Brother Chen's mouth.Then he was forced to swallow the whole powder.

It wasn't until Brother Chen finished eating the medicine powder that Sheng Fenghua took back his dislocated jaw.

The effect of the medicine took effect very quickly. Compared with the previous poison, this time it was more overbearing.Soon, Brother Chen's face distorted in pain.

"Tell me, you'll feel better if you tell me." Sheng Fenghua looked at Brother Chen indifferently, waiting for him to confess.

Brother Chen was still holding on at first, neither talking nor looking at Sheng Fenghua.But after a few minutes, he couldn't bear it any longer, and began to beg Sheng Fenghua, saying, "I'll say it, I'll say it!"

"It's still the same problem." Seeing Brother Chen like this, Sheng Fenghua nodded in satisfaction and said.

"We are members of a terrorist organization."

"Terrorist organization?" Sheng Fenghua's face changed. She had doubts for a long time, but she kept convincing herself that she shouldn't.But now, Brother Chen's words confirmed her guess that they were really members of a terrorist organization.

"What's the name of your organization?" Sheng Fenghua withdrew his thoughts, looked at Brother Chen, and asked again.


"Destroy?" Sheng Fenghua's face changed again. In her previous life, she had heard of this organization, and even almost cooperated with the 'Destroy' organization.

However, it was later heard that the destruction organization was wiped out by the Huaxia military, so the cooperation between the two parties was not completed.But she never thought that this organization that was supposed to be wiped out would actually take root here.

It was hidden under the nose of their military region.

(End of this chapter)

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