ace warm marriage

Chapter 1244 Organization

Chapter 1244 Organization ([-])

If it wasn't because so many people died this time, and she was not sent to investigate, wouldn't anyone know that this organization still exists?

Now they are hiding in this small village deep in the mountains, but they have already killed so many people. Once they go out, won't more people die?
Thinking of the serious consequences of this organization's going out, Sheng Fenghua's face was so gloomy that water dripped out.

"How many people are there in your organization?"

"two hundred."

"Who is your leader?"

"What's your purpose in hiding in this village?"



Sheng Fenghua asked more than a dozen questions in a row, and Brother Chen answered them all.When he answered the last question, his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

Seeing that Brother Chen was dying, Sheng Fenghua's questions were almost finished.After wiping a silver needle from her body, she directly stuck it on Brother Chen's body.

After one injection, Brother Chen soon lost consciousness and slowly lost his breath.

After confirming that Brother Chen was dead, Sheng Fenghua left in a flash, and then went to join Qin Feng and the others.

I thought Brother Chen and the others were just a small organization, but they didn't expect it to be such a big organization.Now, they have a small number of people. If they want to destroy this organization, they must ask for human support.

Following the gunshots, Sheng Fenghua quickly found Qin Feng and the others.

"Fenghua, are you okay!" Seeing Sheng Fenghua, Qin Feng was very excited.There was no movement from Sheng Fenghua's side just now, which made him think that something happened to her.

Fortunately, she's fine, she can let go of her hanging heart.

"I'm fine!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, then glanced at the brothers, and asked, "Brothers, are you okay?"

"It's nothing serious, and the arms of the two were wiped by bullets." Qin Feng pointed at the two injured team members while talking.

To them, the bruise of the bullet is not considered an injury at all.Therefore, the two team members did not bandage or anything, and were still fighting.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the two of them and saw that there was nothing wrong with them, so he pulled Qin Feng aside and told him the news he had received earlier.

"What, they are members of the organization?" Qin Feng was startled. He never thought that there would be an organization in this place.

"Yes, and there are so many of them, we need to call for backup."

"Okay, I'll contact the superior." Qin Feng also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately took out his mobile phone from his body and called the military region.

Qin Feng gave a general account of the situation here on the phone, especially mentioned the name of the organization, and told the other party their purpose of nesting in this deep mountain.

After receiving the call from Qin Feng, the organization attached great importance to it, and immediately held a high-level meeting to send people to help them.Originally, the superior leader planned to send someone from the military region.

At this time, Commissar Yang thought of a group of students from the military academy who were undergoing field survival training near Stone Town, so he suggested, "Why don't those students help?"

"Can those students do it?" After listening to Political Commissar Yang's proposal, the chief was a little worried.After all, they are students with little combat experience. If they are sent to support Sheng Fenghua and the others, what if the support fails and they are delayed instead?
"Why not? Chief, you may not know that the students who went to the training camp this time are the elites selected from various units. If they are not good enough, there will be no one who can do it."

(End of this chapter)

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