ace warm marriage

Chapter 1245 Terrorist Organization

Chapter 1245 Terrorist Organization ([-])
"Okay, then let them go." The chief immediately made a decision to let those people go, which happened to save time.

"Okay, then I will notify the school."


Commissar Yang made a phone call to the person in charge of the school, who was also their instructor.After learning the seriousness of the situation, the instructor blew the whistle for emergency assembly.

The students who had just arrived at the military academy in County F immediately ran out from where they lived when they heard the whistle for emergency assembly.

"Assemble!" Si Zhanbei also came out with everyone, and then stood at the front to assemble the team.He and the instructor are in charge of this training camp.

Although he is currently a student, because he won No. 1 in the school's military skill competition, everyone still believes in him.I don't have the slightest opinion on him being the person in charge.

"Report to the trainer, the team is assembled, please give instructions." Si Zhanbei came to the trainer and said.

"Relax!" The trainer stepped forward, looked in front of everyone present, and said, "I just received a notification from my superiors that there is an urgent task. Therefore, everyone's training time is postponed, and the task will be carried out first."



"Excuse me, what is the mission?"

The instructor glanced at the person who spoke, and then said to everyone: "The base camp of the bandits was found in the deep mountains of County F. Because of their large number, the superior instructed our comrades who are assigned to perform tasks over there to completely eliminate the bandits. Gangsters, I wonder if everyone has confidence?"


"Very good. After the breakup, everyone go back and bring your equipment. After 10 minutes, we will gather and set off."

"Yes!" After the soldiers disbanded, they went back to their houses to get their equipment.Si Zhanbei stayed behind and asked, "Instructor, what's going on?"

Alright, their training camp is about to be postponed, and they are asked to provide support. His intuition tells him that the other party is definitely not as simple as a gangster.

If it is a gangster, then the police or the comrades of the special police should be sent instead of them.

"Zhan Bei, I knew you would ask." The instructor looked at Si Zhanbei and smiled, then said seriously: "A terrorist organization's base camp was found in the deep mountains of Stone Town. Team comrades, destroy them."

"Wolf Warrior?" Si Zhanbei's face immediately changed when he heard these two words.He couldn't help but think of what Sheng Fenghua said on the phone before.

Yesterday morning, Sheng Fenghua called him and said that she was on a mission in Stone Town.Now, the instructor told him to cooperate with comrades fighting independence to eliminate terrorist organizations.In this way, Sheng Fenghua is in danger now.

Thinking that Sheng Fenghua and the others were in danger, Si Zhanbei's expression changed. He looked at the trainer and asked, "Teacher, have you sent me the specific address?"

"Not yet, the people above said that Qin Feng, the captain of Wolf Warriors, will contact us."

After hearing this, Si Zhanbei took out his phone and called Qin Feng without further ado.

When Qin Feng received Si Zhanbei's call, he was very surprised and asked, "Zhanbei, what's the matter?"

"Where are you now, send me the coordinates."

"Zhan Bei, what do you mean?" Qin Feng was taken aback, a little confused.The above said to send someone, but up to now they haven't seen anyone, and no one has contacted him.

But now, Si Zhanbei asked him to issue a location marker, so could it be him who came?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng got a little excited and asked, "Zhan Bei, are you here to support us?"

(End of this chapter)

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