ace warm marriage

Chapter 1247 Terrorist Organization

Chapter 1247 Terrorist Organization ([-])
Earlier, Brother Chen said that people from terrorist organizations were conducting virus research, and it was almost completed.

She had to find that place as quickly as possible and destroy it.Otherwise, once it succeeds, it will be too late.

"No!" Qin Feng still disagreed with two words.Now Si Zhanbei is coming soon, when he arrives, if something happens to Sheng Fenghua, how will he explain to him.

"Qin Feng, I'm not discussing with you, but telling my decision." Sheng Fenghua had a serious face, and time waited for no one.What if those people's research happens to be finished and they're being evacuated now?
"Fenghua, you are going on an adventure."

"Even if it's an adventure, I'm going." Sheng Fenghua said with determination on his face, and what has been decided will not be changed.


"Qin Feng, don't say any more, I've already made up my mind." Sheng Fenghua took a deep look at Qin Feng, and then said, "I'll leave the outside affairs to you."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua took the gun and left in a flash.

Qin Feng looked at Sheng Fenghua's leaving back, opened his mouth, but didn't shout out.One is that he knows that Sheng Fenghua will not listen to him, and the other is that if he shouts like this, he will be exposed and bring danger to Sheng Fenghua.

Besides, Si Zhanbei, 10 minutes later, a group of people came straight to Stone Town in a car.Because it was night, there was no one on the road.

Along the way, the soldiers drove the car very fast and arrived at Stone Town in just over 40 minutes.After arriving in the town, everyone had no time to rest, got out of the car and went straight to the depths of the mountain.

Because Leopard followed Lao Tian to take a shortcut, Qin Feng sent the route to Si Zhanbei.After going up the mountain, Si Zhanbei took a shortcut and went straight to the small village.

When Si Zhanbei led people to Stone Town, Sheng Fenghua escaped one enemy after another and came to the courtyard where Brother Chen and the others lived before.

She went into the yard, arrested a woman, and questioned her, only to find out that the research on this virus was in an underground base.

Sheng Fenghua asked the other party how to get to the base, but the woman didn't know at all.Unable to find out, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to give up. After asking where their leader lived, he left the woman and left.

The woman was very happy to see Sheng Fenghua let her go, and when she saw Sheng Fenghua leave, she opened her mouth and was about to shout.However, she didn't cry out and fell to the ground.

It turned out that when Sheng Fenghua left, he stuck a silver needle in her body and calculated the time of her death.

Sheng Fenghua killed the woman and headed towards another courtyard.According to the deceased woman's confession, the people living in the yard are all people with more status in the organization.

For this reason, Sheng Fenghua became more and more careful, so as not to be discovered before he got close.

Sheng Fenghua approached the yard cautiously, and before entering the yard, she felt that this place was different from other places.

This place gave her a feeling of tension and depression.Sheng Fenghua did not enter the yard immediately, but waited outside for a while, observing the defense situation inside.

There are a total of ten groups in charge of guarding in the yard, divided into two groups, each in each direction.Sheng Fenghua estimated that if he wanted to go in, it would be easy for others to find out.

Therefore, there is no way to enter the main entrance.She had no choice but to go to another place to see if she could get in.

But just as she was about to leave, a person came out of the yard, Sheng Fenghua went up and grabbed him without thinking.

The other party was caught by Sheng Fenghua so suddenly, he panicked, but quickly calmed down, and shouted: "Come here, there is a situation!"

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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