ace warm marriage

Chapter 1248 Becoming a Hostage

Chapter 1248 Becoming a Hostage ([-])

Sheng Fenghua didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so fast, and it was too late to stop him, so he could only hold the other party tightly, taking him as a hostage, and dragging him back.

However, the people in the yard reacted quickly, rushed out in a blink of an eye, and pointed their guns at Sheng Fenghua.

"Put down your weapons!" Those people shouted loudly while pointing guns at Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the enemy lightly, but he did not put down the gun in his hand, but pressed it closer to the head of the hostage in his hand.

As long as the other party dared to move, she would immediately blow the other party's head off.

The two sides were confronting each other, and a middle-aged man came out of the yard. He was the leader of the terrorist organization.

The leader glanced at Sheng Fenghua, and then said lightly: "You are very courageous."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Sheng Fenghua replied while guessing the man's identity.It can be seen that the status of a middle-aged man is relatively high, otherwise those people would not be so respectful to him.

"What's your name?" The leader looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked.Earlier, Lao Tian told him that a small unit of the People's Liberation Army had come.The leader didn't expect that there were women in this small team.Moreover, she actually broke through their line of defense and came here.

"What's your name?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at the middle-aged man and asked back.

The leader took a deep look at Sheng Fenghua, and said, "They all call me the leader."

"Are you the leader?" Sheng Fenghua was taken aback, looking at the middle-aged man in disbelief.In her previous life, she had heard that the leader of the destruction was a crazy and perverted old man.But now, he turned into a middle-aged man.

Could it be that the original leader is dead?
Just thinking about it, the leader spoke again and said, "Yes, I am the leader, can you tell me your name?"

"Ghost doctor!" Sheng Fenghua said the name of his previous life, the middle-aged man was startled, and asked after a while: "You are not the ghost doctor on the road, are you?"

Obviously, the man had heard of Sheng Fenghua's name before.

"What do you think?" Sheng Fenghua asked indifferently, without admitting or denying it.But she was a little surprised that the leader actually knew her name.

On second thought, she felt normal again.After all, the ghost doctor's name is considered resounding in the Tao.Moreover, many people used to come here especially to see her doctor.

However, she saw a doctor based on her mood at the time, and she would show it to the other party when she was happy.If she is not happy, even if the leader of the dark night comes forward, she will refuse.

Hearing these three words, the leader frowned. What Lao Tian told him was a squad of the People's Liberation Army.But what happened to this ghost doctor?

She should be a person of the Tao, why is she a member of the People's Liberation Army again?

Could it be that she is an undercover agent?If this is the case, wouldn't the dark night be over?However, that is a matter of other families and has nothing to do with them.

Taking a closer look at Sheng Fenghua, the leader felt that she was too young.The young one made him deeply suspicious of her identity.

After all, he had heard of the ghost doctor's name a long time ago.It stands to reason that the other party should not be the age of the woman in front of him.

Could it be that she was a fake.Or could it be said that the ghost doctor on the road is someone else?

The expression on the leader's face was cloudy and uncertain, Sheng Fenghua didn't care what the other party was thinking.Whether he believed it or not, it made no difference to her.

"Girl, are you joking?" After a while, the leader spoke again, and his gaze at Sheng Fenghua became sharper.

(End of this chapter)

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