Chapter 1254

The instructor knew that Sheng Fenghua was Si Zhanbei's daughter-in-law, and even more knew how important she was to Si Zhanbei's heart.Sheng Fenghua went in alone, no wonder Si Zhan Beihui lost his composure just now.

"Yes!" Qin Feng nodded and repeated Sheng Fenghua's original words.The trainer and Si Zhanbei were silent.

Si Zhanbei knew that he had wrongly blamed Qin Feng, felt a little guilty, reached out and patted Qin Feng's shoulder, and said, "Brother, I'm sorry!"

"It's okay!" Qin Feng smiled, raised his hand and punched Si Zhanbei's chest.They were brothers, so he wouldn't blame him for such a trivial matter.

The instructor was very relieved to see the two reconciled, and said: "It's not too late, we have to attack as soon as possible. It will be dawn soon, and I don't know if those people have a way out. If they run away , that would be bad."

"Yes, let's act immediately." The two agreed, and then according to the previous division of labor, each led a part of the people to attack the village.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the leader's expression turned ugly. He looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "It seems that your companion is here."

Sheng Fenghua naturally also heard the gunshots outside, and knew that reinforcements were coming.She was very happy in her heart, but it didn't show at all on her face.

Now, she was in the hands of the leader and the others, so naturally he couldn't let him see his emotions.

The leader glanced at Sheng Fenghua, seeing that she had no expression on her face and her eyes were slightly cold.He didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to be so calm, and she could still be so calm and sit upright at this moment.

"Come here, let's go see what's going on outside." Sheng Fenghua couldn't find anything, so the leader had to let his men go to see what was going on outside.

As for himself, he planned to go to the underground base again to see if the experiment was completed.

"Yes!" The subordinate responded and went out to check the situation.

Afterwards, the leader looked at Sheng Fenghua again, and said, "Girl, I must wrong you."

After finishing speaking, he shouted again: "Come on!"

A subordinate walked in, and the leader directly ordered: "Take her down and lock her up."

"Please!" His subordinates walked up to Sheng Fenghua and made a gesture of invitation to her.Sheng Fenghua's eyes flickered, he looked up at the leader, and then followed the subordinate.

After Sheng Fenghua left, the leader also left and returned to his room, and then entered the base through the secret passage.

At this time, in the base, those professors were still busy.It was only one step away from the good calculation before, and the calculated data, but something went wrong for some reason, and they couldn't get the result they wanted no matter what.

For this reason, Professor Huang was very anxious, and left the computer to adjust the formula in person.But the strange thing is that no matter how they adjust, they are almost unable to complete the last step.

This made Professor Huang very annoyed. After going through all the data, he still couldn't see where the problem was.

No way, they had no choice but to hurry up and start all over again.So much so that when the leader arrived, they didn't even notice.It wasn't until he made a sound that he turned around.

"Boss!" Professor Huang shouted.

"Where is the progress, and how long will it take?" The leader glanced at Professor Huang and everyone, and asked.Now the People's Liberation Army has attacked. Although he has a lot of people on his side, he can't stop it for long.

Before, they were able to hold back for so long because the People's Liberation Army came in a small detachment with a relatively small number of people.But now it's different, the other party has reinforcements, and their blocking time will definitely be shortened.

(End of this chapter)

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