Chapter 1255

The leader naturally hoped that Professor Huang and the others would spend as little time as possible, otherwise they would probably be wiped out if they kept blocking.

"Boss, this..." However, Professor Huang hesitated and didn't dare to give a clear time.He hasn't found out where the problem is yet, and he can't answer the leader's question.

"What's going on?" The leader's face darkened, looking at Professor Huang.He said before that it could be finished before dawn, but now it is almost dawn, but the other party has no way to give a specific time.

"Boss, there is a small problem, we are investigating." Professor Huang thought for a while and said.It is impossible for him to tell the leader that there is no way to finish it on time.

If he said that, the leader would definitely go crazy.

The leader's heart sank when he heard this, and he became a little uneasy, and asked, "When will the investigation be completed?"

"It's hard to say the time." Professor Huang said boldly.The leader's face darkened instantly when he heard this, and he said, "Now, the People's Liberation Army is about to attack, but you told me that the time is uncertain? Didn't you say that it can be completed before dawn?"

"The leader calm down, I didn't expect such a thing to happen. We have strictly followed the data formula, but we have been unable to succeed, and we don't know where the problem lies?"

"Even you don't know?" The leader looked at Professor Huang. He is the person in charge here, responsible for controlling the overall situation.Now, tell him that even he can't solve it.Now, where is he going to find someone?

"Yes!" Professor Huang replied, blushing slightly.He didn't expect such a situation to happen, and he felt sorry for the leader.

"Is there no other way?" The leader looked at Professor Huang, suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked.This experiment must be completed, no matter what the price is.

"Yes, but..." Professor Huang hesitated for a moment, and said hesitantly.There is one way, but that person is too far away, even if she is invited to come, it will take time.

But judging from the current situation, they couldn't wait for her arrival at all.

"Say!" The leader looked at Professor Huang with some displeasure, and urged him in a cold voice.No matter what time it is, Professor Huang said half of what he said and kept the other half.

"Someone might be able to find out the reason." Professor Huang stopped hiding and said directly, "I don't know her name, I only know that people call her a ghost doctor."

"Ghost doctor? You mean ghost doctor?" The leader suspected that he had heard it wrong.Today was the second time he heard this name.

"That's right, it's the ghost doctor." Professor Huang nodded. The world only knows that the ghost doctor is good at medicine, but they don't know that she also has research on poisons.

And he was one of the few people who knew that she would be poisonous.Because they once had a relationship, it can be regarded as cooperation.

"Are you sure?" The leader looked at Professor Huang suspiciously, and Sheng Fenghua couldn't help but think about it.She claims to be a ghost doctor, maybe she can take the opportunity to try it out.

"Sure!" Professor Huang looked at the leader seriously, and said, "It's just that she should be in country M at the moment. Even if she comes by plane, she may not be able to catch up."

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll bring her down in a while." After the leader finished speaking, he turned and strode away.

Whether Sheng Fenghua is a ghost doctor or not, he will soon know.

The leader returned to the place where he lived, then summoned one of his subordinates, and asked him where Sheng Fenghua was locked up, and asked him to bring him here.

After a while, Sheng Fenghua was brought to the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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