Chapter 1256

Seeing the leader, Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised.I thought I was going to be locked up for a while, but I didn't want to come out so soon.

"Boss, someone brought it."

"Go down!" The leader asked his subordinates to leave, and then said to Sheng Fenghua: "You said before that you are called a ghost doctor?"

"That's right!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, looking at the leader guessing his purpose of having someone bring him out.I thought to myself, could it be that someone among them was injured?
Just as he was thinking, the leader spoke again and said, "Come with me."

"I don't know where the leader is taking me?" Sheng Fenghua asked while following the leader's footsteps, not worried.Because, she could see that the leader should have something to ask of herself.Whether it's someone in their organization getting hurt, or whatever.In short, the leader will definitely not do anything to her for the time being.

"You'll know when you get there." The leader replied, and quickened his pace towards his room.

Seeing the leader lead him into the room, Sheng Fenghua frowned and became secretly vigilant.However, the leader did not stay in the room, but took Sheng Fenghua directly to his study, and then entered the secret passage.

Sheng Fenghua looked at the leader leading himself into the secret passage, raised his eyebrows in surprise, he actually led himself into the secret passage.It seems that they are in big trouble.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua followed the leader and walked quickly through the secret passage.It wasn't until she was led into the underground base by the leader, into the laboratory, and saw Professor Huang, that she realized why he was looking for her.

Sure enough, he was in big trouble.

"The leader?" Professor Huang was a little puzzled when he saw the leader go and return, but brought a young girl with him.What he wanted was a ghost doctor, not someone else.

But now, the leader brought a little girl over, what kind of trouble is this?
"Professor Huang, I found the person you want for you." The leader brought Sheng Fenghua to Professor Huang and said calmly.

Since Sheng Fenghua claimed to be a ghost doctor, and what Professor Huang was looking for was also a ghost doctor, it was a good time to try Sheng Fenghua's skills.If she was really a ghost doctor, he wouldn't mind winning her over.

People die for money, and birds die for food. He believed that as long as he gave Sheng Fenghua more money, she would agree.

"Boss, what I want is a ghost doctor." Professor Huang looked at the leader seriously. He was looking for a ghost doctor, not the little girl in front of him.

"She is the ghost doctor." The leader said lightly.

"What, how is this possible? I've seen the ghost doctor, but it's not her at all." Professor Huang had an unbelievable expression on his face. Although he had only met the ghost doctor once, and the other was also a woman, she was definitely not the Sheng Fenghua in front of him.

"Have you seen a ghost doctor?" The leader frowned, not expecting Professor Huang to have seen a ghost doctor.

"That's right, so the leader is probably a liar." Professor Huang looked at the leader and said seriously.Now is not the time to joke around.

"What do you say?" The leader turned to look at Sheng Fenghua, and threw the question to her.

But Sheng Fenghua's answer to him was only four words: "Believe it or not!"

The leader frowned again.Neither Professor Huang nor Sheng Fenghua seemed to be lying. Who should he trust?
He looked at the two of them for a while, pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Well, since you said you are a ghost doctor, now I will give you a chance to prove yourself."

"How does the leader want me to prove it?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at what everyone was busy with, and asked knowingly.

 Of course I'm busy today, I have to move, so I'll update these first, and I'll update them later in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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