Chapter 1257

"Professor Huang and their research have a little problem. If you can find the problem, then I believe you are a ghost doctor. Otherwise, you are a liar. Our methods of dealing with liars have always been bloody. So I hope the girl will think about it." one time."

"It seems that I have to show my housekeeping skills?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, she was worried about not being able to find their experimental base.The leader will bring her here in person, and she will naturally not miss this opportunity.

"What do you think?" The leader took a deep look at Sheng Fenghua, if it was a mule or a horse, he would know if he pulled it out for a while.

"Okay, then I will reluctantly show you." Sheng Fenghua's words made Professor Huang's expression very ugly.

He felt that Sheng Fenghua was bragging.What is reluctance, it seems to give in to her.

"Please!" The leader spat out two words lightly.Sheng Fenghua's attitude made him a little displeased, but it was just displeased.

What's more, what time is it now, even if he wants to worry about it, he doesn't have time.Rather than wasting that time, let Sheng Fenghua try it as soon as possible.

Whether she can succeed or not, at least she won't waste any more time.

Sheng Fenghua nodded lightly, then walked towards the computer that Professor Huang had used before.When Professor Huang saw it, his face changed, and he quickly stepped forward to stop her operation, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Why, didn't you just tell me to see what's wrong with your research?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Professor Huang. She had some impressions of him, as if she had only met him once.

"This?" Professor Huang looked at the leader, hoping that he could stop Sheng Fenghua.No, but the leader said directly: "Let her see."

Even if he was as worried as Professor Huang, time waits for no one.He could only let Sheng Fenghua see it.Moreover, he prepared for the worst.That is, once Sheng Fenghua had a problem, or leaked their research, he would kill her directly.

In short, the dead are the safest.

The leader had already spoken. Although Professor Huang was reluctant, he had to step aside and let Sheng Fenghua sit in front of his computer.

Sheng Fenghua sat down on the chair, and then quickly called up Professor Huang's research. After a glance, he didn't read any more.

Seeing her like this, Professor Huang, who was worried about what she would do, suddenly felt relieved.He felt that Sheng Fenghua didn't look like a researcher at all.Her behavior was too casual, even if he followed the data all the time, he would have to read it carefully several times.

But Sheng Fenghua just glanced at it lightly, and stopped looking at it. It's strange to remember it.

He felt that Sheng Fenghua must not be a ghost doctor, but a liar.

Thinking of this, Professor Huang became more and more relieved.

Not only him, but even the leader's confidence in Sheng Fenghua's built-up confidence became doubtful again, so he asked, "Is that all right?"

"Yes!" Sheng Fenghua replied lightly, and then went to the experiment place.Although she only read it once just now, and she still read it casually, but those data and so on were recorded in her mind.

Now, even if she is silenced, she can still silence those numbers.

The professors who were doing the experiment frowned when they saw Sheng Fenghua coming.They felt that Sheng Fenghua's passing at this time was just making trouble.

Therefore, when Sheng Fenghua walked up to a professor, the professor said impatiently: "This is not a place for you to play, just stay here."

(End of this chapter)

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