ace warm marriage

Chapter 1262 One-shot Annihilation

Chapter 1262 Annihilation in one fell swoop ([-])
"Daughter-in-law, are you okay?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua nervously, seeing that she was well, his heart sank slowly.

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua smiled.Of course she's fine, it's them who have problems.For example, the leader in her hand, and the professors who were poisoned by her.

Before, she conducted experiments for them, secretly made some tricks, and directly poisoned those professors.As for the leader, it took her a little trouble.Fortunately, she still has some poison on her body, which was not searched by the leader before.

In addition, the leader didn't lead his men into the base, which made things easier for her.Otherwise, she would probably still be fighting against the leader's subordinates this time.

Si Zhanbei gestured to his brothers, and immediately two people stepped forward to take the leader from Sheng Fenghua's hand.

"Take him up." Si Zhanbei ordered, and the two brothers led away with the leader.After the two left with the leader, Si Zhanbei ordered the others, saying, "Go and check everywhere."

"Yes!" The brothers answered, and then entered the laboratory.

Soon, only Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were left at the door. Si Zhanbei directly moved his weapon to his back, and then stepped forward to hug Sheng Fenghua tightly.

After hugging for a while, Si Zhanbei's heart was completely relieved, and then he let go of her slightly, and said, "Daughter-in-law, you can't take such risks in the future, you will scare me to death."

Sheng Fenghua heard the words, looked up at Si Zhanbei, and said: "Zhanbei, I am a soldier, the only thing I can promise you is to protect myself as much as possible and not let you worry. The same is true for you. Regardless Whatever task you have, try to protect yourself as much as possible.”

"Okay!" Si Zhanbei nodded, agreeing to Sheng Fenghua.

The two of them did not stay outside for too long before entering the laboratory.In the laboratory, those professors were lying on the ground.They didn't faint, they just felt weak and couldn't move.

At this moment, when they saw the People's Liberation Army coming in, their eyes were full of panic.Although they don't know what organization they serve, but as researchers, they know the role of what they study.

Therefore, their panic is because they are guilty and afraid.They are afraid of going to jail, afraid of being shot.

But when they saw Sheng Fenghua who came in with Si Zhanbei, the panic in their eyes instantly turned into hatred.They hated Sheng Fenghua for poisoning them so that they couldn't move.

Speaking of which, I blame them for being careless. Seeing Sheng Fenghua doing experiments and seeing her proficiency in techniques, they didn't think much about it.Who knew, she would poison them during the experiment, and she directly poured the poison into the medicine she prepared.

They didn't investigate for a while, and all of them were recruited.At this moment, Professor Huang wanted to know who Sheng Fenghua was.

Before, they suspected that Sheng Fenghua was the ghost doctor's apprentice, but now it seemed that she was more like a ghost doctor.Killing people invisible is only a ghost doctor's ability.

Professor Huang didn't think that the ghost doctor would teach her disciples the skill of housekeeping.

When Sheng Fenghua walked in front of him, he couldn't help asking: "Who the hell are you?"

"Professor Huang, don't you already know who I am? Why, you still don't believe me, do you?"

"No, it's impossible!" Professor Huang looked at Sheng Fenghua in surprise. He understood what she meant, but he didn't believe that she was a ghost doctor at all.

(End of this chapter)

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