ace warm marriage

Chapter 1263 One-shot Annihilation

Chapter 1263 Annihilation in one fell swoop ([-])
"If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do." Sheng Fenghua spread his hands, looking helpless.She is really a ghost doctor, but the other party doesn't believe it, so she really can't help it.

"I've seen a ghost doctor, but it's not you at all." Professor Huang argued, he had indeed seen a ghost doctor.No matter what, he believed what he saw, so he decided that Sheng Fenghua was a liar, not a ghost doctor.

"Oh, there is no other way." Sheng Fenghua shook his head, and then said to Si Zhanbei: "Let your people take them all out, even if there is a trial, it should be judged by the law."

"Okay!" Si Zhanbei nodded, and then ordered his subordinates: "You take them back."

"Everyone, be careful, the things tested in this base are not good, don't get them." Sheng Fenghua reminded, but did not tell everyone that the things in this base are viruses.If everyone knew about it, they would definitely stay away.

"Sister-in-law, we know." Everyone responded with a smile, carefully avoiding the things on the table, and then left with the professors.

"What should we do here?" After everyone left, Sheng Fenghua looked at the underground laboratory.To be honest, some things in it are quite advanced, and it would be a pity to ruin them.

"Destroy it!" Si Zhanbei didn't think too much, since these things are not good, they might as well be destroyed.

If you can't take it away, you can only destroy it.After thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua nodded in agreement.She originally wanted to get these things into the space, but after thinking about it, she decided not to.She already has one in the lab, so she is not greedy for this one.

So, Si Zhanbei took out a small explosive from his body and prepared to blow up the laboratory.But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, followed by Qin Feng's voice.

"Zhanbei, Fenghua, where are you?" Hearing Qin Feng's shout, Si Zhanbei had no choice but to go out.But Sheng Fenghua took a step slower, glanced at the virus that was almost finished on the experimental bench, and put it into the space.

After putting the things away, she walked in and saw Qin Feng smiled, and said, "Qin Feng, you are here."

"Fenghua, how are you? Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, and then asked, "Is the battle outside over?"

"It's over long ago. This time, we wiped out everyone in their organization except for the leader."

"Total annihilation? That's great." Sheng Fenghua became happy, and the destruction organization was finally wiped out by them.As for the leader, he will soon be punished by law.

"It's okay here, let's go out." Qin Feng looked at the laboratory behind the two and said with a smile.Those professors were taken out, he had seen it.

"Let's go." The underground base can't be blown up for the time being, so let's go out first.Moreover, they didn't have much explosives on them, so they might not be able to blow up such a large laboratory. It's better to go out and ask the superiors first.

After leaving the underground base, it was already bright outside.The trainer is directing the soldiers to clean up the battlefield and appease the common people.

Although there are many terrorist organizations in this village, there are still ordinary people.

During the fierce battle here last night, ordinary people hid in their homes and did not come out.Now, when it was dawn, they didn't dare to come out.

Occasionally, one or two courageous people are also timid when they see the People's Liberation Army, with a look of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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