ace warm marriage

Chapter 1265 One-shot Annihilation

Chapter 1265 Annihilation in one fell swoop ([-])
Why on earth?

Sheng Fenghua couldn't think of a reason, but felt that the old man's movements were abrupt and strange.

"Zhanbei, Fenghua, what good ideas do you have?" The instructor asked Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei with a glance.They just came last night, and they don't know much about the situation in this village.

If Sheng Fenghua and the others hadn't come out just now and directly took the old man into the army, he really didn't know how to return him.

"Just ignore them, they won't cry after a while." Sheng Fenghua thought about it, and he had to use this method to deal with it.

The trainer also had no good solution, so he just followed what Sheng Fenghua said, ignored the people in the village, and asked everyone to speed up and deal with the dead terrorists.

At first, the old man and the people in the village cried quite loudly. Seeing that the PLA ignored them, the crying gradually became quieter.

In the end, they all stopped, and then looked at Sheng Fenghua and the others who were busy, feeling a little resentful in their hearts.In the past, when they cried like this, whether it was the leaders of the county or the town, they immediately panicked.

But the People's Liberation Army is fine, so it's too much to ignore them at all.

Anyway, they have been crying for so long, and there are old people and children inside, they are indifferent, cold-blooded, too cold-blooded.

Although Sheng Fenghua told the trainer to ignore those villagers, he still watched them secretly.Seeing that they stopped crying, she hooked her lips slightly.When he saw the hatred in their eyes again, his eyes flickered slightly.

They actually hate them.Why?Is it because they ignored them, so it's strange.Or, as they say, when the terrorists are dead, they will not be able to live.

She remembered that the people in the armed forces said that the village had always been self-sufficient.If that's the case, what's there to hate about them?

But now, their reaction to the death of those terrorists is so great.It seems that they are self-sufficient and have a lot of water.

If she guessed correctly, their food should be provided by terrorists.As for the reason, it should be to make them shut up.

Thinking of this, and remembering that there were no rice fields outside the village, Sheng Fenghua felt that his guess was close to the truth.

After a while, under the leadership of the old man, everyone in the village stood up from the ground, and then looked at Sheng Fenghua and the others with hatred.

"They are?" Feeling the hatred of the other party, the trainer was surprised.They just killed bad people, why do these people hate them so much?

Could it be that these villagers are really the accomplices of the villain, or that they are actually the family members of the villain?

Thinking of this, the trainer's face was a little dignified, feeling that the matter was difficult.

"Instructor, these people have a big problem." Sheng Fenghua said suddenly, the villagers at the moment were probably assimilated by the terrorists.

Otherwise, their hatred would not be so strong.

"Then we have to be careful." The instructor said with a serious face.The terrorists were finally dealt with, and the soldiers suffered almost no casualties. He didn't want to cause bad consequences because of conflicts with the villagers, and even cause accidents to the soldiers.

"Yes, I will keep an eye on these people. Tell the soldiers to speed up and leave this place as soon as possible. Also, we have to notify the leaders of the town and tell them about the situation here, lest we leave in a while , They have become punching bags instead of us.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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