ace warm marriage

Chapter 1266 Someone Escaped

Chapter 1266 Someone Escaped ([-])

"Okay!" The trainer nodded, turned around and went to inform the soldiers.Sheng Fenghua did not leave, but looked at the old man who took the lead before and frowned.

Why does she feel that this old man is a bit out of place among these villagers?what on earth is it?

Sheng Fenghua couldn't figure it out, but he didn't think too much about it, and turned to look for Qin Feng.She has to communicate with Qin Feng to see how to report the situation here to her superiors.

However, what Sheng Fenghua didn't know was that after she left, the old man quietly left among the villagers and went to a yard.

It was a very inconspicuous little yard.The yard was not only small, but also much dilapidated compared to other villagers' yards.

But it is such a small courtyard, but there is another universe inside.

As soon as the old man entered the yard, a middle-aged man walked out of it.The man stepped forward, saluted the old man respectfully, and shouted: "Master, you are back."

"Have you found Ah Xing?" the old man asked as he walked in.The A Xing he was talking about was the leader of the destruction organization caught by Sheng Fenghua before, and also the son of the old man.

"The subordinate is incompetent, and the young master was not found." The man blamed himself, he didn't go out with other villagers just now, he was looking for someone.However, he searched all over the village, but couldn't find it.

This made him blame himself, feel guilty, and feel sorry for his master.

"What about in the base? Have you looked for it?" The old man asked again, and the middle-aged man's face turned pale instantly, and he said, "If you go back to the master, the subordinates have already looked for it, and you haven't found the young master. Not only that , and the rest of the base is gone too."

"Everyone is gone?" The old man's face turned ugly.Everyone in the base is gone, unless they leave.Otherwise, it can only be arrested.

Thinking of those people being arrested, the old man's face became more and more ugly, and then he told the man: "Go and check to see if those people have fallen into the hands of the People's Liberation Army. If so, don't keep any of them."

The man listened to Fang for a moment, and then asked: "What if the young master is also arrested?"

"What do you think?" The old man looked cruel.Even if the opponent is his son, so what, since the incompetent fell into the hands of the enemy, there is only one end, and that is death!

"The subordinate understands." The man turned and left, the old man entered the house, and then went straight to the bedroom.He walked to the big bed where he was sleeping, stretched out his hand and gently pressed on the post at the head of the bed.

With his movements, the big bed suddenly moved away from the middle one, revealing a square board.The old man knocked on the board again, and the board lowered slowly, revealing a square opening.

Then, a ladder protruded from the opening.The old man climbed onto the bed, stepped onto the ladder, and then pressed on the side, and the whole person began to descend.

After a while, the ladder stopped and the old man came out.If Sheng Fenghua was here, he would be surprised, because the old man came from the same laboratory as before.

It turned out that there was another room in the laboratory, and the elevator happened to be in the room.After a while, the old man came out of the house and walked around the laboratory.

When he saw that there was nothing on the experimental bench, his face was so gloomy that water would drip out.

Everything is gone!
That was more than ten years of hard work, and there was nothing left.

Who, exactly who, took all his things away.

(End of this chapter)

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