ace warm marriage

Chapter 1267 Someone Escaped

Chapter 1267 Someone Escaped ([-])

Could it be them?
Yes, it must be them!They must have known about this underground experiment base, so they took the things away.

Damn, he won't let them go.

The old man thumped the table vigorously and left angrily.After a while, he returned to the small courtyard where he lived.

At this time, the middle-aged man who was sent out to check the news happened to come back. Seeing the old man, he said, "Master, the young master and the others have been arrested, and they are being interrogated."

"What, you're being interrogated?" The old man's face changed, and he ordered: "Hurry up and pack your things, we'll leave right away."

"Master?" The middle-aged man looked at the old man with doubts on his face.I don't understand why you left at this time?You know, those people have not been silenced, what if they confess?
"What are you doing in a daze, don't hurry up. None of us can leave if it's too late. Could it be that you want to be arrested too?"

After hearing this, the middle-aged man quickly entered a room, packed a few things, came to the old man again, and said, "Master, it's packed, we can go."

"Okay, let's go quickly." After the old man finished speaking, he led his men towards the study.In his study room, there is a secret passage leading directly to the outside.

As long as they walked out of such a passage, it was much easier for them to leave.

The two entered the passage, and there was a modified small car inside, which could fit two people.The middle-aged man sat in the driver's seat, and the old man sat in the back.

The car started and rushed forward quickly.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua, who was checking in the leader's yard, felt a slight movement, stopped what he was doing, and listened intently for a while.

"Zhan Bei, did you hear anything?" Sheng Fenghua turned his head and asked Si Zhanbei beside him, why did she seem to hear the sound of a car driving?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be.How can there be cars in this deep mountain and old forest?Could it be that she heard wrong?
While thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua listened again intently.Yes, it was indeed the sound of a car.Moreover, it seems to come from underground.

Thinking that the sound of the car came from underground, Sheng Fenghua's expression changed immediately, and he said, "No, there must be fish that slipped through the net in the village."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua immediately ran to the interrogation room. She was going to ask the leader to see if there was a secret way in this village.

Sheng Fenghua ran to the interrogation room, Qin Feng and the others were taking notes, and the professors were the ones answering the questions, while the leader sat aside, silent and silent.

"Are you planning to carry it to the end?" Qin Feng looked at the leader very annoyed.They have been interrogating for a long time, but he didn't say a word.

If Sheng Fenghua hadn't specifically confessed that this man was the leader of the organization, he would have used violence long ago.

The leader looked up at Qin Feng with a sneer, but still didn't speak.

"I warn you, if you don't speak again, we will be tortured." The leader didn't pay attention to Qin Feng's warning.He was still watching silently, and if one looked carefully, one could still see a hint of sarcasm in his expression.

Seeing him like this, Qin Feng became completely annoyed, and shouted: "Come here, torture him."

As soon as the words fell, Sheng Fenghua walked in and asked, "What's going on?"

"This person doesn't cooperate at all. After such a long time, he didn't say a word." Qin Feng told Sheng Fenghua about the situation.Sheng Fenghua frowned when he heard the words, and looked up at the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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