ace warm marriage

Chapter 1274 Unconsciousness

Chapter 1274 Unconscious ([-])

After investigation, his people found several people named Sheng Fenghua.

After investigation, only one person matched the girl he met for picking medicine.That is Sheng Fenghua from Shengjia Village.When Si Zhanbei learned that Sheng Fenghua was not doing well in Shengjia Village, he suddenly had a decision in his mind, that is to take her out of that home.

It's just that he was a big man who took a woman away, so he was easily gossiped.After much deliberation, he felt that the best way was to marry her.

Si Zhanbei didn't think long about making this decision.It is said that the grace of saving life should be promised by the body.Sheng Fenghua also saved his life, and it's nothing if he promised with his body.

Thinking of this, he immediately made a marriage report to his superiors and married Sheng Fenghua.However, after getting married, he realized that Sheng Fenghua seemed to be different from the person who saved him.

It's just that it was too late at this time, they were already married, and she became his wife.As a man, a soldier, he couldn't do anything to abandon his wife.What's more, the two are still newly married?
Therefore, he tried his best to be nice to Sheng Fenghua, trying to make her accept him.But the result was unsatisfactory. Sheng Fenghua was always afraid of him, and he wanted to get close to her.But every time, she was terrified.After a few times, he stopped thinking about it and thought about giving the other party more time.After thinking about it for a long time, she will naturally not be afraid.

However, what Si Zhanbei didn't expect, an injury changed Sheng Fenghua's temperament drastically.He was naturally happy about Sheng Fenghua's change.

It wasn't until later that he realized that the one who really saved him was not the Sheng Fenghua he married before, but the later Sheng Fenghua.

Even though what Sheng Fenghua told him later was so incredible, but he still believed her.And felt that this was a gift from God to him, sending his real savior to him.

For this reason, he treated Sheng Fenghua better.Later, he fell deeply in love with his current little wife, deeply and madly in love.

He knows that as a soldier, it is not a good thing to be too emotional, but he has no way to restrain his feelings.He hoped that every time he and Sheng Fenghua were together would be happy and warm.

Si Zhanbei's dream continued. He dreamed that Sheng Fenghua had his own child, and dreamed that he was so happy that he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, east, and west.

But at this moment, he suddenly sensed danger, so he opened his eyes suddenly.As soon as he opened his eyes, he met a cold gaze, a pair of gloomy eyes.

The old man was holding a gun to Si Zhanbei's forehead, trying to kill him with one shot.But he didn't want to, at this moment Si Zhanbei suddenly opened his eyes, and he was shocked.So much so that the hand holding the gun trembled.

At this time, Si Zhanbei also felt the gun on his forehead, and his face couldn't help changing, and then violently attacked the old man.

The old man didn't expect that Si Zhanbei would make a sudden move, and without checking for a while, he fell to the ground behind him.Fortunately, his subordinates supported him in time, so he didn't fall down.

After the subordinate supported the old man, he immediately stood in front of him and confronted Si Zhanbei.The old man stood firm, and was very annoyed when he thought that he almost fell just now. Before Si Zhanbei could react, he raised the gun and pulled the trigger towards Si Zhanbei.

Si Zhanbei just got up from the ground, when he heard the gunshot, he fell down and fell to the ground again.Immediately afterwards, he raised his foot and swept towards the old man's legs.

 However, I have been in poor health for the past few days, and even less, dear friends, please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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