ace warm marriage

Chapter 1275 Unconsciousness

Chapter 1275 Unconscious ([-])

Si Zhanbei didn't have the idea of ​​respecting the elders for those who wanted their own lives.

The old man missed Si Zhanbei in the first shot, and was about to fire the second shot. Unexpectedly, just as he was about to pull the trigger, Si Zhanbei's leg arrived.

As a last resort, the old man could only retreat.Fortunately, he still had another subordinate who blocked Si Zhanbei's attack immediately after seeing it.

The two quickly started fighting, and the old man stepped aside, staring at the two fighting, looking for an opportunity to make a move.

While fighting against the old man's subordinates, Si Zhanbei also had to be wary of the old man's black gun, and he was in danger all over the place.

Fortunately, the old man's subordinates were not very skilled, and after a while, they were kicked away by Si Zhanbei.

The old man watched his subordinates lose the battle, his face was extremely ugly, and he cursed secretly: "Trash!"

Afterwards, the old man aimed his gun at Si Zhanbei.

Sheng Fenghua, who ran after him, saw the old man's gun aimed at Si Zhanbei, his expression changed, he quickly took out his mobile phone from his body, and shot at the old man.

When the gunshots of the two men sounded, Si Zhanbei rolled on the spot and avoided it.The old man slowly fell to the ground.

While the old man fell down, his eyes were fixed on Sheng Fenghua's direction.He remembered Sheng Fenghua, and remembered that it was what she said that made the former leaders of the People's Liberation Army ignore them.

"Master!" The old man's subordinates yelled when they saw the old man fell down, and quickly stood up on the ground, walking towards the old man's side.

"Master, master, how are you?" His subordinate squatted beside the old man and asked loudly.However, the old man closed his eyes tightly and did not speak, and pressed his hands on his chest to stop the blood flow from accelerating.

Seeing the old man like this, his subordinates thought he was dead, so they stood up abruptly, and said to Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei, "You killed the master, and I want you to be buried with him!"

After speaking, he directly opened the clothes on his body, revealing the bomb strapped to his body.Seeing the bomb on the man's body, the couple's expressions changed drastically before they had time to reminisce, and then quickly ran behind.

Before running a few steps, the bomb went off.Si Zhanbei flew forward and landed on Sheng Fenghua's body.

Immediately afterwards, the two were rushed up by the airflow, rushed out of the underground passage, and were thrown to the ground.Such a big commotion quickly attracted Qin Feng and the trainer.

When they saw the two people who were rushed out of the air wave, their expressions changed drastically, and they rushed towards them quickly.

Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were slammed to the ground, their faces were ashamed, and they were in a general embarrassment.When Qin Feng and others came to the side of the two, seeing the two motionless, their hearts were suspended.

"Zhanbei, Fenghua!"

"Zhan Bei, Zhan Bei!"

"Fenghua, Fenghua!"

Qin Feng and the trainer took turns calling their names loudly, while lowering their heads to check their injuries.The two shouted for a while, and then Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua made any noise.

"It's moving, it's moving!" The comrades who came around were greatly relieved when they saw that both of them had moved, and shouted loudly.

"Ahem!" Si Zhanbei coughed twice before slowly opening his eyes.A smile appeared on his face when he saw Qin Feng, the trainer and his comrades surrounding him.But soon, his smile faded away, and he shouted, "Daughter-in-law, where's my daughter-in-law?"

"Yes, yes, sister-in-law is beside you!" Seeing Si Zhanbei's anxious look, Qin Feng immediately spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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