ace warm marriage

Chapter 1278 I Don’t Know I’m Pregnant

Chapter 1278 I don't know if I'm pregnant ([-])

"Let's show her, everyone. Our hospital has tried everything, but we haven't found out what caused her to be unconscious." The director of the military hospital saw that everyone was only concerned about distress, but no one stepped forward to check on Sheng Fenghua. In this situation, I couldn't help but speak.

"Looking at the wound on her face, she must have been scratched by a bomb, right?" Dean Yang, who used to be a field doctor, stepped forward to look at Sheng Fenghua's wound and asked.

"That's right!" The dean nodded. According to the comrades who sent Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei here, they were indeed killed by the explosion.

However, they said that both Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei woke up at the beginning.But then, for some reason, Sheng Fenghua passed out again, and it has been more than half a day now, and there is still no sign of waking up.

"Could she have been stunned?" Professor Ouyang asked. He felt that Sheng Fenghua's situation should have been stunned.

After hearing Professor Ouyang's words, the dean glanced at him and said, "Xiao Sheng was indeed knocked out before, but he woke up once."

"Woke up once? Then she is now?" Everyone present was stunned, and those who were stunned usually won't faint again after waking up.But what happened to Sheng Fenghua, he was still in a coma.

"Let me take a look!" Professor Mei stepped forward to feel Sheng Fenghua's pulse while talking.He is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. Although his medical skills may not be as good as Sheng Fenghua's, he is quite famous in the industry.

Professor Mei checked Sheng Fenghua's pulse for a while, then frowned.

"Old man Mei, what's wrong with Sheng girl?" Dean Yang watched as Professor Mei took his pulse and remained silent for a long time, and couldn't help feeling anxious.His pulse time is long enough.

Professor Mei didn't speak, and picked up with another hand.

This time, he took longer to feel his pulse, which made everyone more anxious.After finally watching him take his pulse, everyone asked in unison: "How is it?"

"Her pulse is a little strange." Professor Mei turned to look at everyone, his face was full of doubts.He has taken so many pulses, Sheng Fenghua's pulse is the strangest.

"What's so strange? Just tell us if she has anything to do." Professor Ouyang is impatient. He doesn't want to listen to Professor Mei's other nonsense at this moment, but just wants to know Sheng Fenghua's physical condition.

"From the point of view of the pulse, she is fine."

"It's okay, it's okay, why is she still in a coma?" the director of the military hospital said loudly in a hurry.They also checked Sheng Fenghua's body before, but they didn't find any problems.

Now that Professor Mei said that again, it made him even more worried.How could such a good person stay unconscious all the time?

"This, I don't know too well." Professor Mei couldn't figure it out either.Obviously Sheng Fenghua's body is good, but she is unconscious, he has never met such a patient.

"You?" Everyone looked at Professor Mei not knowing what to say.

"Why don't you come and take a look." Professor Mei stood up while speaking.

"That's fine, I'll come first." Professor Gu is the oldest, has practiced medicine for the longest time, and has the most experience.He took Professor Mei's place and helped Sheng Fenghua check it out.

He looked into Sheng Fenghua's eyes, and listened to her breathing and heartbeat. There was nothing wrong with her.In the end, he didn't know what he thought of, and then he said to the director of the military hospital: "Have you ever taken a B-ultrasound on her?"

"No!" The dean of the military hospital shook his head, they would only take B-ultrasound for patients who were pregnant or had gynecological diseases, and those like Sheng Fenghua who were unconscious would only do other examinations.

(End of this chapter)

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