ace warm marriage

Chapter 1279 I Don’t Know I’m Pregnant

Chapter 1279 I don't know if I'm pregnant ([-])

"Then you can ask someone to take a B-ultrasound picture for her now."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." The dean went out, and everyone looked at Professor Gu and asked, "Old man Gu, what do you mean?"

"Old man Gu, don't you suspect that this girl is pregnant with a child?"

"What, you're pregnant with a child?" Professor Mei slapped her thigh when she heard this, and said, "Oh, why didn't I think of that?"

"It's too early to get excited, let's wait for the results of the B-ultrasound."

"Okay, let's wait then."

After a while, the dean asked someone to get a trolley over. After the nurse and doctor moved Sheng Fenghua to the trolley, they went directly to the B-ultrasound room.

The doctor performed a B-ultrasound on Sheng Fenghua, and after seeing the situation in her stomach, he immediately said to the dean: "Report to the dean, this lesbian is pregnant for a week."

"Huai, are you pregnant?" The dean was startled, but didn't react for a long time.Sheng Fenghua was married, he knew it.But she was a soldier, and in his impression, people like Sheng Fenghua who were on frequent and dangerous missions would generally not get pregnant during their service.

"Yes, it's only been a week, and the time is still very short. If it wasn't for B-ultrasound, it wouldn't have been found at all." The doctor added with a smile, and the hospital finally understood why Professor Gu asked him to take a B-ultrasound for Sheng Fenghua.

When the hospital took Sheng Fenghua back to the ward, everyone looked at him together and asked, "How is the situation?"

"Comrade Sheng is pregnant for a week."

"What, is she really pregnant?"

"Old man Gu, you are the best." Several professors gave Professor Gu a thumbs up.

However, Professor Gu did not look happy, but looked at Sheng Fenghua who was still unconscious, with a look of worry on his face.

She had been in a coma for a long time, and he was worried that it would affect the fetus.And obviously, the reason why Sheng Fenghua fainted again was also because of her pregnancy.

Fortunately, the child is still young, otherwise, it may cause miscarriage.

"Now are you sure that the reason for Xiao Sheng's coma is because he was pregnant?" The dean looked at the professors with some uncertainty.

"I think that should be the reason."

"Then I don't know when the professors think Xiao Sheng can wake up?"

"This, I can't be sure, her situation is a bit special. However, there will be no danger for the time being." Professor Gu said after considering it.

"That's fine, I'll let people watch at any time."

Several professors left after making sure that Sheng Fenghua was fine.But not long after they left, Sheng Fenghua woke up.When she woke up and saw the female nurse sitting by the bed, she was taken aback for a while before she asked with a smile, "Xiao Sun, why are you here?"

"Fenghua, are you awake?" Seeing Sheng Fenghua awake, Sun Lin had a big smile on her face.To be honest, seeing Sheng Fenghua in a coma, she was also quite worried.

Although the dean and the others said that Fenghua was fine, she still couldn't help but worry.Now that Sheng Fenghua woke up, she could finally feel relieved.

"How long have I been asleep?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Sun Lin very happily.Speaking of which, the first person she saw after her rebirth was Sun Lin, and she had a special kindness towards her.

Once, she still wanted to let Sun Lin follow her and be her assistant.It was only later that she joined the army and became a military doctor, so she didn't look for Sun Lin again.

However, what Sheng Fenghua didn't expect was that when she opened her eyes this time, she saw Sun Lin again.It seemed that she and Sun Lin were destined for each other.

(End of this chapter)

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