ace warm marriage

Chapter 1295 Recognizing the Ancestor and Returning to the Sect

Chapter 1295 Recognizing Ancestors and Returning to Their Clans ([-])

The elders discussed everything, and Sheng Fenghua had no objection.In fact, she felt that she didn't need to be taken care of, but she also knew that if she said so, the old people would definitely not be willing.

Therefore, she chose not to say anything and let the elders make the decision.

The morning passed quickly, and when it was almost time for dinner, the family left for the hotel.

When they arrived at the place, Ning Mingjie and Ning Mingkai hadn't arrived yet.So, they drank tea and talked.After waiting for about half an hour, the talents arrived.

Ning Ruiyu saw that everyone was here, and then asked the waiter to serve the food.

During the meal, several men from the Ning family drank.On the contrary, Si Zhanbei did not drink because of his injuries, but drank beverages.

A meal took almost two hours.Fortunately, the Ning brothers had expected this situation a long time ago, so they all asked for leave in the afternoon.

During the meal, the Ning brothers knew that Ning Minglie was going to stay at home for a while, but they were overjoyed and said, "Since the third brother is going back to live, then we, the eldest brother and the second brother, will also go back to live for a few days."

The two elders of the Ning family became more and more happy when they heard what Ning Mingjie and the others said.To be honest, since the sons got married and had their own small family, the time they lived at home was very limited.

Well now they're coming back to live together for a while, which is great.Seeing the two elders so happy, the three brothers of the Ning family suddenly felt that they had done the right thing.I thought to myself, I still have to go home from time to time to live for a while in the future.

Otherwise, there are only two old people left in the family, which is too lonely.

After dinner, everyone went to Ning's house together.Although the Ning family's house is not as good as the boss's house, it is still possible to accommodate a large family.

As soon as she got home, Mrs. Ning ordered the housekeeper to clean out the room.Not only the three brothers of the Ning family, but even Ning Ruiyu and the others cleaned together.

After arriving at the Ning family, the elders of the Ning family were a little tired, so they went to rest first.The remaining three brothers of the Ning family and Ning Ruiyu sat in the living room and discussed about Sheng Fenghua's acknowledgment of his ancestors.

Before, when the test results came out, the elders of the Ning family planned to let Sheng Fenghua recognize his ancestors.However, at that time, Sheng Fenghua was a little unwilling, so the matter was put on hold.

Now that Ning Minglie is back, the matter of Sheng Fenghua's recognition of his ancestors can no longer be delayed.

Sheng Fenghua knew that it would be a matter of time before she recognized and returned to her ancestors, so when everyone was talking, she sat aside and listened quietly.

Now that her parents are both here, it is no longer her turn to worry about these things.

Ning Minglie naturally agreed with his brothers' proposal.Sheng Fenghua is his daughter, so she is naturally from the Ning family, so it is necessary to recognize the ancestors and return to the clan.

Not only that, but the family of three should also let people in the circle know about their return.In order to prevent Ye Qingge from being disrespected by some short-sighted people when Ye Qingge goes out in the future.

The three brothers discussed for a while, and decided that it would be sooner rather than later to recognize their ancestors.Several people looked at the time and decided to set the date for a week later.

After the date was set, the three brothers discussed the details again.It was already a few hours before the discussion was completed.

At this time, the elders of the Ning family had also rested and came out of the room to chat with everyone.The three brothers of the Ning family saw that the second elder got up, and told them what they had discussed.

After hearing this, the two old men raised some opinions, and the matter was considered settled.

(End of this chapter)

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