ace warm marriage

Chapter 1296 Recognizing the Ancestor and Returning to the Sect

Chapter 1296 Recognizing Ancestors and Returning to Their Clan ([-])

Whether it is long or short, a week passed quickly.

This day is the day when Sheng Fenghua recognizes his ancestors and returns to his clan.Because this day had to get up very early, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei moved to Ning's house one day earlier.

Early in the morning, Sheng Fenghua was woken up, took a shower, washed up, and then put on makeup.After tossing for three full hours, it was not over.

After dressing up, Sheng Fenghua entered the Ning family's ancestral hall under the leadership of Ning Minglie.The Ning family is a century-old family, so the ancestral hall is naturally not small.Wujin's courtyard looks antique.Sheng Fenghua never knew that the ancestral hall of this family still retained the charm of ancient times, so he couldn't help being curious.However, there is more solemnity in my heart.

When Sheng Fenghua followed Ning Minglie into the ancestral hall, there were already many people in the ancestral hall.Apart from some members of the Ning family, there were many others she didn't know.Later, Sheng Fenghua found out that they were some people from the side branches of the Ning family.

As for the main branch of the Ning family, there is only Mr. Ning.It is precisely because of this that Sheng Fenghua's recognition of his ancestors and his return to his ancestors is so solemn and important.

She is the only daughter of the main branch, equivalent to the little princess of the Ning family.

After entering the ancestral hall, Mr. Ning and the others had been waiting for a while.Seeing Sheng Fenghua coming, Zhizhi announced the start of the ceremony.

Although Mr. Ning had told her some things about recognizing and returning to his ancestors before that, but at this moment, she found that she was a little nervous.

Fortunately, Ning Minglie was beside her, reminding her from time to time, so nothing went wrong.

After Sheng Fenghua offered incense to the ancestors of the Ning family, Mr. Ning wrote Sheng Fenghua's name on the Ning family's genealogy.

Of course, Sheng Fenghua was changed to Ning Fenghua, and Ye Qingge's name was also written in Ning Minglie's spouse column.

By the time the ceremony was over, an hour had passed, and Sheng Fenghua was exhausted.As soon as she thought that there would be a banquet at night, when she returned home, she would ignore the important matters, changed her clothes, and went straight to sleep.

After getting up early, Sheng Fenghua was still a pregnant woman, so she was already exhausted.Once on the bed, she fell asleep.

Looking at Sheng Fenghua's peaceful sleeping face and her tired face, Si Zhanbei's heart ached.He wished he could replace Sheng Fenghua, wished he could take her home.

If he knew this would be so tiring, he would never agree to anything.Fortunately, there is only one banquet left, and when the banquet is over, he will take Sheng Fenghua home, let her have a good rest, and won't make her tired again.

Sheng Fenghua slept soundly, so he naturally didn't know how much Si Zhanbei loved her and how much he blamed himself for making her tired.As soon as she fell asleep, she slept until after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Opening his eyes, Sheng Fenghua was a little confused when he saw Si Zhanbei sitting beside his bed with a bad face, and asked, "Zhan Bei, what's wrong with you? Who made you angry?"

"I'm fine!" Seeing Sheng Fenghua waking up, Si Zhanbei immediately put away the expression on his face, laughed, and asked, "Daughter-in-law, have you rested? Are you still tired? Do you want to take a rest?" meeting?"

"Have a good rest." Sheng Fenghua nodded, then sat up, rested his head in Si Zhanbei's arms, rubbed his head against Si Zhanbei, and said, "Zhanbei, you have been sitting all this time, and you haven't taken a rest yet. Yes, do you want to lie down?"

"No, the banquet is about to start, and there are already a lot of guests downstairs. Take it easy, we should go down in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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