ace warm marriage

Chapter 1306 Embarrassing things during pregnancy

Chapter 1306 Embarrassing things during pregnancy ([-])

But she also knew that her mother was also doing it for her own good.After all, she is now in the first three months, which is when the fetus is still unstable.For this reason, no matter how annoyed she was, she had no choice but to be rice bugs every day.

Fortunately, she has a space.It doesn't matter if she can't go out, she can enter the space, right?

The space is so big, and the air is better than outside, so it's the same for exercising inside.Therefore, she spends most of the time in the space every day.

Walking, pharmacy, and alchemy, Sheng Fenghua was very busy in the space, but his mother Ye Qingge didn't know it at all.Seeing her daughter go back to her room after eating, she thought her daughter was really obedient and obedient at first.

But after a long time, she discovered the problem.

So, when Sheng Fenghua came out to eat again, he couldn't help asking: "Fenghua, you've been staying at home all this time, do you want to go out for a walk, take a walk?"

"No, no, it's good to stay at home." Sheng Fenghua waved her hand. During this time, she has been learning alchemy, and she has already gained a little. It is the time when she is most interested, and she doesn't want to waste time.

Therefore, without thinking about his mother Ye Qingge's proposal, he directly rejected it.

But her refusal made Ye Qingge even more worried, looked at her thoughtfully, and asked, "Fenghua, are you okay?"

Sheng Fenghua was taken aback, looked at his mother, and asked, "What can I do?"

"Are you really all right?"


"But you haven't gone downstairs for many days, don't you want to go down for a walk?" Ye Qingge frowned, looking at Sheng Fenghua with a puzzled expression.You know, when she didn't let Sheng Fenghua walk around at first, she was angry for a while.

But now, it's only been a long time, she doesn't want to go downstairs anymore, she thinks there must be something wrong with Sheng Fenghua.However, Sheng Fenghua didn't want to say anything, and she couldn't ask more questions.Thinking, after dinner, she has to call Si Zhanbei and talk to him about Sheng Fenghua.

It would be best if he could come back and persuade Sheng Fenghua.Although she didn't let Sheng Fenghua move around, she couldn't stay at home all the time.

I have been staying at home, and sooner or later I will be useless.

Sheng Fenghua didn't know Ye Qingge's plan at all, so she didn't think too much about it, and replied directly: "No, I'll just stay at home."

Ye Qingge glanced at Sheng Fenghua, and didn't try to persuade her again.After dinner, Sheng Fenghua wanted to help wash the dishes, but she still refused.

Sheng Fenghua went straight back to his room as he refused to let him in on the work.Back in the room, she locked the door and entered the space.

Even though he was in his own home, Sheng Fenghua was still very careful.She was afraid that if her mother or father were looking for her and accidentally opened the door, she would definitely be shocked to see that she was not there.

At that time, not only will the two elders be scared, but they will also have to bother to explain.Maybe something with space will be exposed.Although they were his relatives, Sheng Fenghua didn't dare to bet.

If they know that they have space and treat her as a monster, or have other ideas, it will not be a good thing for her or the second elder.

After entering the space, Sheng Fenghua didn't get busy right away, but took a walk in Meilin for a while, and after finishing eating, he entered the Nine Turns Linglong Pagoda.

In the Nine Turns Linglong Pagoda, the fire was raging, and the elixir refined by Sheng Fenghua hadn't been released yet.However, the fragrance of the medicine was exuded.

(End of this chapter)

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