ace warm marriage

Chapter 1307 Embarrassing things during pregnancy

Chapter 1307 Embarrassing things during pregnancy ([-])

Smelling the fragrance of the medicine, Sheng Fenghua became much more energetic.The elixir she made has the effect of refreshing the mind. She plans to try the effect first after refining it. If the effect is good, she will sell it in Shengshi.

Seeing that the fire was still burning, Sheng Fenghua knew that the pill was not ready so quickly.So, she went up to the second floor, walked into a study room, and sat down to read a book.

But at this moment, her mother, Ye Qingge, dialed Si Zhanbei's number.

Si Zhanbei had just had lunch and was about to take a rest.It was a surprise to mention the phone number at home.Although there is a telephone installed at home, he and Sheng Fenghua spend most of their time in contact with each other by mobile phone.So the phone at home has almost become a decoration.

But today, he received a call from home.His intuition told him that it would definitely not be Sheng Fenghua.And there are only a few people in the family, if it's not Sheng Fenghua, it can only be his father-in-law or mother-in-law.

After thinking for a while, Si Zhanbei quickly judged that the caller should be his mother-in-law Ye Qingge.Because at this time, father-in-law Ning Minglie should still be at work.

Originally, Ning Minglie didn't plan to go to work, but later, Mr. Ning saw that he was fine at home, and he was still young, so he directly replaced Mrs. Ning as the chairman of the Ning Group.

Regarding the fact that Ning Minglie became the chairman of the Ning Group, the two brothers of the Ning family have no objection.Because both of them are in politics, there is no time management for company affairs at all.

Now, since Ning Minglie is back, and he was also in charge of the Ye Group before, it would be a good idea to take over the company.

As a result, Ning Minglie went straight to work.He went to work like this and didn't come back at noon.Therefore, the person who will call must be Ye Qingge.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard a voice, it was indeed Ye Qingge's call.Si Zhanbei smiled and shouted: "Mom!"

"Zhan Bei, are you free this week?"

"Mom, what's wrong?" Si Zhanbei's face changed slightly when he heard Ye Qingge's words.He was a little busy last week, so he didn't go back.

"Fenghua..." Before Ye Qingge finished speaking, Si Zhanbei immediately became anxious and asked, "Mom, what's wrong with Fenghua?"

Hearing Si Zhanbei's worry and nervousness, Ye Qingge immediately said, "She's fine."

Hearing these three words, Si Zhanbei breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Then mom called me?"

"Zhan Bei, it's like this, if you have time, come back."

"What's the matter? What happened at home?" Si Zhanbei asked again with a frown.

"Zhanbei, nothing happened at home. It's just that Fenghua stays in the room every day and doesn't go out. I'm a little worried about her. So I want you to come back and take a look."

"She has been staying in the room and not going out? How long has it been?" Si Zhanbei was taken aback. He knew exactly what Sheng Fenghua's temperament was.She couldn't stay at home all day, let alone stay at home every day.

"It's been ten days." Ye Qingge calculated that Sheng Fenghua hadn't gone out for ten days.

"So long?" Si Zhanbei frowned again, wondering why Sheng Fenghua didn't go out.Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Ye Qingge say, "I don't know if it's because I don't let her run outside, so she's still fighting with me."

"Mom, don't think too much. Fenghua is definitely not because of the reason you said, she should have other things."

"What else could it be?" Ye Qingge was very puzzled.Sheng Fenghua doesn't have to go to work now, and she doesn't see what she is doing in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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