ace warm marriage

Chapter 1308 Embarrassing things during pregnancy

Chapter 1308 Embarrassing things during pregnancy ([-])

"Mom, don't worry. I'll be back on Saturday. I'll ask her to see what's going on."

"Alright then, I'll wait for your return."

After hanging up on Ye Qingge's phone, Si Zhanbei thought about it, and decided to call Sheng Fenghua to see what she was up to.

The phone went through, but no one answered.Si Zhanbei's brows furrowed again. According to what Ye Qingge said, Sheng Fenghua should be at home.But no one answered the phone. Could it be that she is in the space?

Thinking this way, combined with Ye Qingge's saying that she would go back to her room as soon as she finished eating, Si Zhanbei understood a little bit.Sheng Fenghua should be in the space because her mother-in-law didn't let her go out.

Si Zhanbei has entered the space and knows how big it is, whether it is for a walk or doing other things.Moreover, he guessed that Sheng Fenghua should make medicine in the space.

Because last time he heard from Sheng Fenghua that some medicines in Shengshi were running out, so he had to make a batch.So now, Sheng Fenghua must be busy with this matter.

He was a little worried when he thought that Sheng Fenghua was working in the pharmaceutical industry.After all, Sheng Fenghua is pregnant with a child now, what if he gets tired?
It seems that he really wants to go back as soon as possible, and then talk to Sheng Fenghua about this matter.If it really doesn't work, then don't take the medicine for the time being, and wait until the baby is born.

Sheng Fenghua didn't know about Si Zhanbei calling him.She read in the tower with relish, until the smell of the medicine became stronger and stronger, and then she put down the book and went down to the second floor.

Back in the alchemy room, the fire has been extinguished and the elixir has been refined.

Sheng Fenghua didn't open the medicine stove right away, but waited quietly for a while, until the fragrance of the medicine gradually faded, then opened the medicine stove, and took out the elixir inside.

In this furnace, she made a total of five hundred pills.Except for a few broken grains, everything else is top grade.Sheng Fenghua bottled the pill and put it in the medicine storage room.

After putting away the elixir, Sheng Fenghua checked the time, and it was almost time for dinner.So, she went straight out of the space, just in time to hear the knock on the door, and the voice of her mother Ye Qingge came into her ears.

"Fenghua, it's time to eat."

Sheng Fenghua responded, and then went out for dinner.Once out of the room, seeing Ning Minglie sitting on the sofa, Sheng Fenghua smiled, stepped forward and asked, "Dad, you're back."

Ning Minglie nodded, then looked at Sheng Fenghua, and asked, "How do you feel today, are you tired?"

"I'm not tired!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, sat down beside Ning Minglie, and said, "Now I eat and sleep every day, so I don't get tired."

"Don't blame your mother, she is doing it for your own good." Ning Minglie patted Sheng Fenghua's hand, thinking that she was still blaming his wife.

He knew that Sheng Fenghua wanted to go out, but his wife refused. Although Sheng Fenghua did not go out obediently, she was unhappy, and Ning Minglie could feel it.

"I know, I didn't blame my mother." Sheng Fenghua smiled, she really didn't blame her.Not only is she not to blame, but she also feels like her mother.If it wasn't for her not letting herself go out, she wouldn't think about going to the space to exercise or learning alchemy.

Now, she has made some small achievements in alchemy, and the speed of making medicines will be much faster in the future.

"That's good." Ning Minglie felt relieved, he was really worried that his wife and daughter would have conflicts.Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua is sensible.

"It's time to eat!" Seeing Ning Minglie and Sheng Fenghua's father and daughter chatting happily, Ye Qingge yelled with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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