ace warm marriage

Chapter 1309 Embarrassing things during pregnancy

Chapter 1309 Embarrassing things during pregnancy ([-])

Hearing the shout, the father and daughter looked at each other, then stood up.

"Go, let's eat."

"it is good!"

"What are you two talking about so happily?" Ye Qingge asked as he handed the meal to the two of them.

"Thank you, Mom!" Sheng Fenghua thanked him, took the meal with a smile, picked up a chopstick, and was about to eat.But for some reason, when the food came to her mouth, she suddenly felt nauseous.

So, she immediately put down her chopsticks, covered her mouth, and went straight to the bathroom.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua like this, Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge were very worried.They put down their chopsticks together and followed them to the bathroom.

Sheng Fenghua went into the bathroom, wanted to vomit but couldn't, retching badly.

Seeing her like this, Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge were heartbroken, they stepped forward and asked, "Fenghua, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's just a little disgusting." Sheng Fenghua shook her head. She didn't know why, but when she smelled that dish just now, she felt so disgusted.

"You're already like this, and you said it's okay. No, we have to go to the hospital to have a look." Ning Minglie had never seen morning sickness, so he didn't know that Sheng Fenghua was just a normal phenomenon during pregnancy. He thought Sheng Fenghua I got sick.

"Dad, it's really okay, it's just a little disgusting, it will be fine in a while." Sheng Fenghua also recalled this moment, knowing why he was disgusted.

Ye Qingge at the side looked at Sheng Fenghua like this, and couldn't help but think of the time when she was pregnant with Sheng Fenghua.At that time, she did the same.However, this only happened when she was three months pregnant with her.

But now, Sheng Fenghua has only been feeling sick for a month. The morning sickness came so early that he had to find a way.

Otherwise, if it continues like this for several months, she will have a very hard time.

"Why are you okay? Listen to me, let's go to the hospital." Ning Minglie didn't believe that Sheng Fenghua was okay, seeing her like this made him feel distressed.

"Dad, I'm really fine." Seeing Ning Minglie's nervousness, Sheng Fenghua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask my mother. Everyone who is pregnant will do this, it's a normal phenomenon."

Hearing this, Ning Minglie was taken aback for a moment, looked at Ye Qingge, and asked, "Qingge, are you also like this when you are pregnant?"

Ye Qingge nodded, Ning Minglie was speechless for a long time.He only heard that pregnancy is very hard, but he has never experienced it.Being pregnant in October, he had no idea what Ye Qingge had experienced.

Even later, Crazy Yu told him how hard Ye Qingge was when she was pregnant with the child, and his heart ached, but he didn't have much idea.

But now, looking at Sheng Fenghua's urge to vomit, blushing, and thinking of Ye Qingge's behavior back then, but not only was he not by her side, but she was worried about him, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Qing Ge, you have suffered." Ning Minglie held Ye Qingge's hand, blaming himself in his heart.

"It's okay, it's all over. It's Fenghua, who started to have morning sickness so early, and will work harder in the future."

"Is there no way to do this?" Ning Minglie asked, frowning upon hearing this.It is already so uncomfortable at the very beginning, if it lasts for ten months, what kind of discomfort will it be?
Ye Qingge shook her head, she had survived by herself before.

Seeing his father worried about him again, Sheng Fenghua immediately said: "Yes, when I am free, I will prepare some medicine. Parents, you don't have to worry."

"Really?" The two couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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