ace warm marriage

Chapter 1315 Pregnancy Month

Chapter 1315 Pregnant October ([-])
When she knew that her mother was looking for her, she couldn't help but turn serious, and said, "Mom, I'm an adult now, you can't always treat me like a child."

"Isn't this because you are pregnant?" Ye Qingge also knew that it was not good for her to do so, but when she thought that Sheng Fenghua was pregnant with a child, she couldn't help but worry.

"Mom, even if you're pregnant, you can't always be worried. You're not only worrying about yourself, but also making me feel uncomfortable. I said I'm fine, but you are always worrying. Don’t tell me if you don’t let me go. Now even if I go out, you are worried, and you still look around. How does this make others think, what does it make me think?”

"I'm not a child, I'm an adult. So, Mom, can you stop worrying so much?"

"Fenghua, I'm sorry, Mom was wrong." Ye Qingge also knew that he was worried too much.She only thought about not letting Sheng Fenghua suffer what she had suffered before, but she forgot that Sheng Fenghua is an adult, she has her own thoughts, what she can do and what she cannot do, she has her own discretion.

"Mom, I know you're doing it for my own good, but you really worry too much."

"Mom knows, Mom won't do it anymore."

After talking about the matter, the mother and daughter left the community happily and went to the place selling stinky tofu.The place selling stinky tofu is on Food Street.The whole street is full of delicious food, all kinds of scents entered Sheng Fenghua's nose, making her salivate uncontrollably.

Ye Qingge went straight to the place that sold stinky tofu, and bought a double portion.After paying the money, when he was about to go home, he found that Sheng Fenghua had already walked to the front booth.

Ye Qingge chased after him, and saw Sheng Fenghua asking how to sell fried chicken wings.After buying the chicken wings, Sheng Fenghua bought some other things, until the mother and daughter couldn't hold it in their hands, and then went home.

Back home, seeing all kinds of food, Sheng Fenghua ate with great interest, which made Ye Qingge a little worried that she was full.So, she stepped forward, put away the food, and said to her daughter: "Fenghua, you have eaten a lot today, take a break and eat again."

Sheng Fenghua was a little reluctant, reached out to touch his already full stomach, and finally stopped.

Ye Qingge put away his things, Sheng Fenghua sat on the sofa for a while and got bored, then went back to his room.

She was indeed too full today, so she decided to do something to digest the food.So, she entered the space, went to the medicine field, and picked some mature medicinal materials.

After being so busy, a few hours passed.Sheng Fenghua felt a little hungry, so he stopped what he was doing, packed up the herbs he picked, and went out of the space to find something to eat.

"Mom, where did you put the snacks I bought earlier? I'm hungry." Sheng Fenghua asked loudly as soon as he left the room.

"It's in the kitchen." Ye Qingge was busy in the kitchen, when he heard Sheng Fenghua's shout, he responded and resumed his work.

Sheng Fenghua entered the kitchen, saw the food on the counter, and reached out to grab it.But Ye Qingge stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, these things are already cold, let me warm them up for you."

Sheng Fenghua also knew that it's not good to eat cold, so he said, "Okay then, please warm up the kebabs for me first."

"Okay, you go to the living room and wait, it will be ready in a while." Ye Qingge asked Sheng Fenghua to wait in the living room, while he put the mutton skewers into the oven, and then turned around to heat other food.

(End of this chapter)

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