ace warm marriage

Chapter 1316 Pregnancy Month

Chapter 1316 Pregnancy in October ([-])
After a while, the kebabs came out of the oven.Although after reprocessing, the fragrance is much worse, but it still doesn't affect Sheng Fenghua's appetite.

She ate big mouthfuls, causing Ye Qingge who was beside her to shake her head uncontrollably.At this time, Sheng Fenghua was a big eater in her eyes.

Sheng Fenghua didn't care so much, he just wanted to fill his stomach.

After Ye Qingge put down his food, he went back to the kitchen to prepare lunch.When Sheng Fenghua was almost done eating, lunch was ready.

"Fenghua, it's time to eat." Ye Qingge called Sheng Fenghua and filled her with a small half bowl of rice.Although Sheng Fenghua had already eaten a lot, Ye Qingge felt that he still needed to eat a little.

Sheng Fenghua naturally knew this truth, so he stood up, went to the dining table and sat down.I don't know if it was because she had taken antiemetics beforehand, but she didn't vomit anymore after smelling the oil.

However, Sheng Fenghua didn't eat much, so he took a few bites and stopped eating.

Seeing her like this, Ye Qingge frowned and said, "Fenghua, it's not a problem for you to eat those things all the time, you'd better eat more chicken soup and bone soup that Mom prepared for you, otherwise your body's nutrition won't keep up, yes The child is not good.

"Mom, I see, I will try my best to change it." Sheng Fenghua nodded, then got up and left the table.

She sat down on the sofa, watched TV for a while, and didn't get up to rest until she felt sleepy.

In a blink of an eye, Saturday is here.Si Zhanbei left the military academy early in the morning, went to buy some snacks, and then went home with them.

When they got home, mother-in-law Ye Qingge was already making breakfast, but Sheng Fenghua was still sleeping in the room.

Si Zhanbei greeted Ye Qingge, put down the snacks, asked Sheng Fenghua how he was doing recently, and then walked towards the room.

No, he pushed the door but didn't open it. After knowing that it was locked, he didn't go to get the key. Instead, he took out something from his body, fiddled with the lock a few times, and opened the lock.

Opened the door and walked in, but no one was in the room.Si Zhanbei was startled, then sat down beside the bed.After a while, Sheng Fenghua appeared on the bed.

When she saw the person sitting on the bed, she was taken aback for a long time before she realized it, and then asked, "Zhan Bei, you're back."

"Yes!" Si Zhanbei smiled, then looked at Sheng Fenghua, and asked with a smile: "Just now, did you go to the space to exercise?"

Sheng Fenghua gave a dry laugh, neither admitting nor denying it.

The habit developed in the army is to wake up at one o'clock.But her mother is strict in management and doesn't let her go out to exercise.No way, she can only exercise in the space.

"Why don't you talk?" Si Zhanbei looked at his little wife's cautious look, sighed slightly in his heart, stretched out his hand to put her in his arms, and said, "Daughter-in-law, you are not alone now. , take it easy."

Sheng Fenghua was taken aback when he heard the words, looked up at Si Zhanbei, and asked, "You don't object?"

"Why should I object?" Si Zhanbei replied. He had already asked the doctor. Pregnant people still need to exercise more, but they can't do strenuous exercise.

Walking and moving frequently is good for both the physical and mental health of pregnant women and the children.Therefore, he will not let Sheng Fenghua do nothing like his mother-in-law.

However, he hoped that no matter what Sheng Fenghua did, he would have a limit, not go too far, let alone hurt their children.

(End of this chapter)

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