ace warm marriage

Chapter 1318 Pregnancy Month

Chapter 1318 Pregnancy in October ([-])
"Yes, yes, yes!" Sheng Fenghua stood up while talking, and went to pick up the stinky tofu from Ye Qing's singer, looking anxious.

"Daughter-in-law, slow down. I'll get it for you." Seeing Sheng Fenghua like this, Si Zhanbei was very worried. He reached out and pressed her shoulder, let her sit back on the sofa, and then stood up by himself to pick it up. Ye Qing's food on the singer's table.

As soon as he came back in the morning, Ye Qingge told him about Sheng Fenghua's special hobbies.Now it seems that it really is a special hobby.

Sheng Fenghua had never eaten stinky tofu before.Now, she actually likes eating this kind of food, and she doesn't know whether she is pregnant with a boy or a girl. This hobby is really special.

Sheng Fenghua sat back on the sofa, but his gaze kept following Si Zhan.It wasn't until Si Zhanbei put the stinky tofu in front of her that he withdrew his gaze and focused on eating.

Stretching out his hand, Sheng Fenghua did not even take the chopsticks, Si Zhanbei looked at it and shook his head.Then he pricked a piece with a toothpick and put it in Sheng Fenghua's mouth.

Sheng Fenghua was naturally happy that someone was feeding him and he didn't need to do it himself.

Sheng Fenghua ate happily, and Si Zhanbei also ate happily.It wasn't until he was almost done eating that Sheng Fenghua picked up a piece and put it in Si Zhanbei's mouth.

At first, Si Zhanbei was a little disgusted, but it wasn't until Sheng Fenghua glared at him that he started to stutter.

To be honest, Si Zhanbei has never eaten this thing.It smelled so bad that he couldn't eat it.But the little wife watched covetously from the side, and he couldn't do without eating.I had no choice but to bite the bullet and eat it. Fortunately, the taste was okay and it didn't smell bad.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Sheng Fenghua asked with a smile after watching Si Zhanbei finish eating.She knew that Si Zhanbei didn't eat this kind of food, but it was boring for her to eat it by herself, so she wanted to let him eat it too.

"It's okay." Si Zhanbei said lightly.Although the taste is okay, but he really can't love this kind of thing.I don't know what happened to the child in the little wife's stomach, but he likes to eat such things.

At this time, Si Zhanbei directly attributed the credit to the child, so he would not admit that it was his daughter-in-law's problem.After all, Sheng Fenghua didn't eat these things before.

But since she was pregnant with the child, she started eating.It's not a child's problem what is it?
"Then eat another piece." Sheng Fenghua said, squeezed another piece and stuffed it into Si Zhanbei's mouth.Si Zhanbei looked at his little wife and didn't open his mouth for a long time.He really doesn't want to eat it, even if it tastes okay.

"Hey, eat another piece." Sheng Fenghua knew that Si Zhanbei didn't want to eat it, but the more he didn't want to eat it, the more she wanted him to eat it.

Looking at his little wife who was determined, Si Zhanbei had no choice but to bite the bullet and eat a piece again.

After eating, he looked at Sheng Fenghua and wanted to pinch again, and immediately said: "Daughter-in-law, leave it for you to eat, I won't eat."

"Why don't you eat with me, I'm bored eating alone." Sheng Fenghua acted coquettishly, making Si Zhanbei not know what to say.Before, I didn't know who had more fun eating alone.Now, with a little bit left, he even said that he was bored.

Of course, it was impossible for Si Zhanbei to expose his little wife's lies, so he could only say, "Daughter-in-law, I'll watch you eat, okay?"

"not good!"

"Good daughter-in-law, my husband will feed you." While coaxing Sheng Fenghua, Si Zhanbei picked up the stinky tofu first and fed her.

(End of this chapter)

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