ace warm marriage

Chapter 1319 Pregnancy Month

Chapter 1319 Pregnancy October ([-])
Just kidding, he really doesn't like this thing, two pieces is already the limit.If you let him eat another piece, he will definitely spit it out.

Sheng Fenghua saw that Si Zhanbei really didn't want to eat it, but he didn't force him, and obediently finished eating the stinky tofu by himself.

Ye Qingge watched her eat the double serving of stinky tofu again, and couldn't help becoming worried, and said, "Fenghua, is it okay for you to eat so much stinky tofu every day? I heard that this stinky tofu can't Eat more, or you should eat something else. By the way, do you still want to eat the kebabs from yesterday? If you want to eat, mom will buy it for you."

Si Zhanbei also became worried when he heard this, and said, "Daughter-in-law, these foods are not nutritious, so you should not eat too much. Otherwise, I will help you hire a nutritionist to come back and let her cook for you every day. In this way, Mom doesn't have to work so hard, what do you think?"

"Nutritionist?" It's not that Sheng Fenghua has never heard of it, but he just thinks that hiring a nutritionist would be a bit of a fuss?

"That's right, it's a nutritionist. She will match your food according to your daily physical condition, and then give her nutritional supplements."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua thought for a while and agreed to the proposal.Mother is indeed very tired from cooking every day, so she should be given a good rest.Originally, the family should invite a nanny back, but the space here is a bit small, so I didn't invite them.

Now if I want to invite a nutritionist back, the family will definitely not be able to live in it, and I have to change to a bigger house.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei and asked, "Zhanbei, do you still have real estate under your name?"

"Yes!" Si Zhanbei nodded with a smile, he could naturally think of the problems that Sheng Fenghua could think of.Originally, he should have let Sheng Fenghua move in a long time ago, but because the decoration has not been completed, he never told her.

But just a few days ago, there was a phone call saying that the house has been renovated.Now, there is another addition to the family, and it happens to be moving.

"How big is it?" Sheng Fenghua asked, she was afraid that Si Zhanbei didn't have a big house under his name.If that's the case, then they'll have to buy another one.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, the house is big enough."

"In this case, let's find a time to move."

"No problem." Si Zhanbei also wanted to move a long time ago, and now that Sheng Fenghua brought it up, he naturally had no objection.

After discussing it, Sheng Fenghua told Ye Qingge about his plan to move.When Ye Qingge heard that they were going to move, he had no objection.

Anyway, wherever Sheng Fenghua and the others go, they just follow.Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua doesn't have a mother-in-law, otherwise she wouldn't live with Sheng Fenghua and the others like now.

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei didn't have many things, and the new home had everything, so they had nothing to take with them, except for some valuable things, they kept everything else.

The same is true for Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie. When they came, they traveled lightly. They only brought some clothes and valuables. Other things were still in City G, so they didn't have much luggage.

Adding up all the luggage of the four of them, there are only three suitcases.

After packing up his things, Si Zhanbei drove to his new home with his young wife and mother-in-law.Their new home is Ziwei Mansion not far from the city, a two-and-a-half-story villa.

Si Zhanbei had bought this villa for many years, and he bought it together with Xu Qicheng and his brothers. The eight brothers, the eight villas are not far away, and it is only a few steps away, which is very suitable for door-to-door.

(End of this chapter)

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